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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  September 22, 2012 3:00am-7:00am PDT

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apologies, we're asking for more. >> sean: hope you have a great weekend. football is back at the request of our twitter army brigade kids. they demand it come back. as always, hope you have a great
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today is the first day of fall, which will be confirm that intense week and continues across the globe. pakistan was supposed to have a day of love for the prophet mohammed. it has turned extremely ugly with thousands of people rioting. violent protest leaving at least 19 people dead. >> jennifer griffin live in washington with the very latest on these numbers and how this weekend will play out. good morning, jennifer. >> good morning, guys. most of the violence yesterday in the muslim world occurred in pakistan where at least 19 people were killed. 150 injured. mostly in the port city of karachi after the government of pakistan took the unusual step of declaring a holiday. calling it the day of love for the prophet mohammed. in response to anger that was building over the 15-mignon line anti-islam youtube video. by doing so, it looked as though the government was sanction sanctioning violence over the video. protesters clashed with the police and strategy of appeasing the religious mule
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las by the government apparently back fired. the rage boiled over in cities across back stan. in libya, the reverse occurred. libyan anger at the islamist group that is assumed to have been behind the attack on the u.s. con salute in benghazi erupted in hundreds of angry libyan citizens stormed the compound. this time at the headquarters of one of the islamic extremist groups suspected in the attack. they have from the compound and set fire to their offices. unprecedented backlash against the group al sharia, one of the groups behind the american consulate attack. tens of thousands of libyans marched through the streets of benghazi to protest against the armed militias that are creating anarchy in cities like benghazi. one protester said did he not want to begin people in his country walking the streets looking like the taliban.
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back to you in new york. >> thanks so much for the update. >> a tale of two different countries and the response to this thing. it's been interesting to watch as unfolded a day of love. officials there in pakistan saying we have got to stop, this we are burning our own stuff. you are going into our own banks. you are burning our own banks and cars. this sour own stuff. >> it's wonderful to see the libyan people stand up and try to push this militia out after what happened to you are u.s. ambassador. what happened our own approach and how we have handled the crisis there and the situation. it has not been so smooth. certainly not been so positive. let's take a look back at how the obama administration has handled what happened in libya and the ilg of our own u.s. ambassador and some very mixed messages. >> we have no information to suggest that it was a pre-planned attack. it is not a reaction to the 9/11 anniversary that we know of. >> some have thought -- sought
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to justify this vicious behavior along with the protest that took place at our embassy in cairo yesterday as a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet. >> this was not a pre-planned, premeditated attack. >> we don't know yet. so we're going to continue to investigate this. >> how could ambassador rice and jay carney there just a week ago have said so unquiskably this was not a pre-planned uncoordinated attack. this was not a terrorist attack. this had nothing to do with 9/11. this had nothing to do with the u.s. policies. they were so unequivocal. why did they have that message a week ago? and now it has morphed completely into. >> a 180. >> a 180 before we debate it. hear what hillary clinton said yesterday now about this attack on our consulate. >> what happened in benghazi was a tarsz attack, and we will not arrest until we have tracked down and brought to
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justice the terrorists who murdered four americans. >> so there you go. sudden about face from the administration labeling it a terrorist organization. and, you know, white house officials don't come out, well, maybe other than joe biden and say what is on his mind. very often there is a directorrive from the white house this is now the mode disoperandi going forward. label it x, y, and z. officials with different responses. hillary clinton said this. >> susan rice is the first one to your point sent out there. many believe she is our next secretary of state. rpg's at a spontaneous protest? i mean, i'm talking about people that don't cover the middle east. people said this doesn't make sense. 9/11, multiple countries, rpg's. this doesn't sound like spontaneous protest u.s. ambassador killed for the first time since 1979. average people saying this is
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not spontaneous. why the administration? >> i don't know. i'm glad we have some guests on for the next four hours from historians, political pundits, military people to explain why wouldn't they call it terrorism? by the way the president you probably heard was interviewed on univision in a very hard-hitting interview. he said what he called it it's inexcusable violent act directed at westerners. why not use the word terrorist. >> why is it the labels? are we worried about labeling terrorists for what they are? >> here is buck mche hand on from california. >> the idea that they have been telling us for a week that there was a demonstration that spun out of control when everybody that had any idea of what was really going on knew that it was a terrorist attack.
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let's get real with this. this is a total joke. the commander and chief. the one person elected by all americans is so busy campaigning that he can't focus on what's happening around the world. our ambassador and three our great americans were killed on property that should be likes a sacred as in their own living room. this is just an outrage that is hard to live with. >> you know what? he said something that i do want to drill down a little bit because i think it's an interesting debate that congressman said we are in a war on terrorism and the president now wants to make this a legal action. that is the question. do we treat this militarily? if this is al terrorism ability do we treat it militarily or a legal action which is what the president has been doing. we're going to arrest those that were responsible and bring them to justice. there is a big debate about how to handle it now and what to do.
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>> attorney general colonel schaffer on to ask him that question. allen west said this is as a result of the administration's approach to the middle east. listen. >> when you look what is happening all across the middle east, and there is a parallel with jimmy carter. when you depose a leader in the middle east you have to think about the second and third order identification. who is going to fill that leadership void. history has shown when you have that type of void radical islamists are always looking to fill that gap. looking to so-called -- voice moderate take from the administration. >> at least you have to ask the question where has the obama policy gotten us as a country? it was thought to mend all these wounds and mend our reputation around the world it has done anything about but that. >> i'm at alisyn camerota now.
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>> thanks for clearing that up. >> you are welcome. >> you had it before as megyn kelly. we got it all switched around. >> she really objected to some of those posts. tell tell you what else is happening. mitt romney has released his 2011 tax return. reveals a gross adjusted income of $13.6 million for the romneys, $1.9 million were paid in taxes that makes a 14.1% tax rate if clayton's math is rit radio. the romneys also stated that they made $4 million in donations to charities. also a third of their income, but they only claimed deductions of $2.25 million. president obama's showed adjusted gross income of $789,000. $162,000 paid in taxes. charitable dow joneses of $172,000. about 22% of their income.
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both candidates are genius to charity. the plane carrying ann romney was forced to make a dramatic emergency landing in colorado after smoke filled the cabin. >> we have an electrical issue here. worldwide 12. we're going to request fire trucks. we will probably need assistance here. we have smoke in the cabin. >> firefighters rushing the plane as soon as it landed to deal with the smoke. the plane was heading from los angeles to omaha. ann romney and the nine others on board were all okay. we're told mitt romney spoke to his wife as soon as she was safely on the ground. robber in boston is rescued from a brutal beating by the very man he was trying to rob. this man, joseph defradis tried to rob a store at knife point. the store owner rodriguez pulled out a bat and chased the robber down the street while yelling for help. he beat the alleged robber so badly that rodriguez, the victim actually had to jump in to protect the robber.
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>> please do not kill that guy. do not kill that guy. when they put on the ground, i got on top of his body, put my body on top and i say what you do. you came to the store to kill me. now i have to protect you. >> wow, that is a good lesson. he was hospital. now his lawyer is asking police to investigate the assault. robbing -- is a dangerous business. >> thank you so much. >> now you can clear up your fall questions. >> yeah, i want to find this out. i can rick, i asked serrie earlier this morning and now i'm going to ask rick later. >> serrie hasn't gotten back. >> like 10:52 a.m. >> 10:49 a.m. eastern time. subtract or add your hours based off of that. 6:12 right now.
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we are four and a half hours away. >> from fall. >> not bad serrie from fall. i love fall. so send me all your fall pictures. rick reichmuth on twitter. put them on my facebook page. here you go 10:49 this morning. we are going to be seeing this change. it already feels like fall when you take a look at your temperatures. big cooldown. temps this morning that are just into the low 30's. in fact, we have a little snow, i will show new a second. take a look at the satellite radar picture in the eastern part of the country. big rain down across parts of florida again. heavy rain moving across the great lakes. that is going to move through the northeast today and we will see some severe weather. mostly damaging winds, possibly with some rain later on. check this out. in across parts of wisconsin, there you go, that's some white stuff falling this morning. a little bit of snow, alisyn, in across wisconsin. that means it's coming for everybody else, soon enough. >> are we going to replace rick with serrie? >> let me ask her. [ laughter ] >> i like you, rick. i don't like serrie we don't
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get along. >> you get our vote. >> president obama hitting the airwaves. next week he sits down with the ladies of "the view." last week on long-term. should -- letterman. should he be doing this with a crisis. >> at least he is not doing it with leno. we have established it on this show. no more leno. tonight our guest, thomas sargent. nobel laureate in economics, and one of the most cited economists in the world. professor sargent, can you tell me what cd rates will be in two years? no. if he can't, no one can. that's why ally has a raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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>> president obama using his star power making the rounds in new york. appearing on the late show with david letterman earlier this week. then meeting with jay-z and bon stay in exclusive new york city fundraiser. thought president and first lady are on deck to join the ladies of "the view" early next week. meanwhile, chaos in the middle east continues to unfold. question: should the president be doing this may light interviews while the country is in crisis? joining us now to weigh in
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owner of speakerman media, lee speakerman. good to see you, lee. >> good morning, dave. >> this is a different media environment. should the president be doing this many talk show type interviews with so many serious things happening around the world. >> dave, i don't think anybody would fault the president for using those platforms for communication. if he were more serious about the job in general. what i mean by that is i look at this from the perspective of a bit person outside washington. here we have a beloved ambassador killed in the middle east. apparently a failure to secure embassies on 9/11 of all dates within countries that just had upheavals in their government. we had a jobs crisis and yet the president has only had one meeting with his so-called jobs council. so, when you look in from the outside, you say where has the president been? he appears to have disengaged and yet he has time for over 200 fundraisers with
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fat cats, over 100 rounds of golf, both of those shattering all presidential records. countless war war war ray. if he appeared to have not been so disengaged from very serious matters of foreign policy. getting us off of foreign oil which is fueling a lot of it demulti-in the middle east and funding the terrorists, i don't think the american people would have a problem with him appearing on "the view" or jay-z or beyonce or letterman. >> i think in this media environment. it's not that people sit there and watch the nightly news. you have to do shows like "the view." you have to go on the sports talk radio shows. do everything you can. but i was stunned to find out the percentage of national briefings, just 38%. does that speak to the greater
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problem you are addressing here? >> well, it appears that the president is savoring the fun stuff but shirking a the love the responsibilities of the office. i don't think that's a story that's been told. it's just now that this pattern is emerging with bob woodward's book, in-depth and pretty devastating piece about how the white house works in the "new york times." mark teeson uncovering the fact that you just mentioned the president missing overrule half of his daily national security briefings. the american people look at our disastrous economy, the world in upheaval and now they are beginning to see he it isn't just bad policy ideas a president unfortunately instead of being diligent appears be to a tell deletant. he reports himself as a serious man but not to the office many times. >> you have to spend a great deal of your time raising
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money, that's fundamental to what's happening right now. a lot of problems there lee, we appreciate you joining us from dallas this morning. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> coming up, tax dollars funding a study to see who is most affected by a cigarette tax. and students taking their food frustrations to youtube. new school lunch guidelines are leaving them hungry. should the government back off? ♪ atmix of the world needs a broader that's why we're supplying natural gas to generate cleaner electricity... that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and it's also why, with our partner in brazil, shell is producing ethanol - a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane. >>a minute, mom! let's broaden the world's energy mix. let's go. ♪
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>> new federal guidelines and impacting lunch menu. parents unhappy about it. saying the portions leave them feeling hungry. moves have sparked boycotts and frustration. parody video sparked by students in kansas. watch. ♪ tonight, we are hungry set
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the policy on fire ♪ it can burn brighter ♪ than the sun >> does the government just need to butt out of the school cafeteria. joining us from debate. mimi roth national action against obesity. let me start with you. critics say we are the fattest country in the world. juvenile on set diabetes through the roof. government steps in and imposes guidelines. what could go wrong with this. >> mimi and i have had this debate before. she comes from a very libertarian viewpoint. she doesn't want to pay for other people's bad health choices we agree she shouldn't have to pay for bad health choices. people need to take responsibility. it's not up to the government to dictate. government ought to get out of the healthcare business and people shouldn't have to pay for this. >> personal responsibility that's not necessarily happening with school lunches. there seems to be some laziness as it relates to school lunches.
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we have seen the jamie oliver show. pizza and all sorts of items in lunch cafeterias, kids are preferring the at a tore tots. >> don't we all we would all like to eat fattening food. you eat a meal full of sugar, breads, pass pasta, pizza, you are going to be hungry an hour later it may be they are not getting the right food at lunch it may be the right kinds of food. >> the changes are such that they're getting more whole grains, daily doses of fruits and vegetable, less sugar and salt. i don't have i don't hear a lot of protein. video kids are talking abouting being hungry afterwards. >> they are creating meals. my daughter's school had spinach salad on the menu. i think that's great. the problem is you get kids who is going to get these kids they are going to they them away. i'm really concerned that we're engaging in just more
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feel good policies that don't really do anything. we are wasting a lot of money and energy. we should be focusing on choices that kids want that are minimally process and minimal sugars that kids are going to eat. >> take a look at calories restrictions. calorie cap. put it up on the screen. we don't have it 800 overall calories, 650 calories for kindergarten lunches. seems like those calories are keeping with a good movement but without protein they burn so many calories so quickly. >> you are right. the calorie count sounds reasonable up against couple of things. one if the lunch doesn't have a good amount of healthy fats, protein, fish, chicken, things like that then the kids will be hungry an hour later. also, a lot of children are habit united uniteduated to lars of food. just getting used to smaller portions. i don't want to hear kids won't eat healthy food.
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if every choice at school is a healthy option they are eventually going to eat. that's all i want to convey that that i don't like to see feyes. we can't have party food at school. >> the reality is you will have kids who will simply wait and go hungry. i grew up with kids who wouldn't eat the school lunch choices that they even had and just throw it away. i think it's one of these things we have to be realistic about this. feel good policies are great. giving kids nutrition food they are not going to eat is not the answer. >> i don't understand how that's a feel good policy. it's a public program. it's about readiness. we have a school lunch program because our kids were skinny and weekly -- weakly. now our kids are fat, obese and weakly and can't serve in the military. we need to serve them nutritious food. it's not about a feel good policy. >> wanting to serve them food but we have to be real cities lick about what kids are acclimated to. they don't have the adult pallets. >> nonsense. give them real food and make that it the only choice.
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they have six cents more to get higher quality food. after 30 years. six more pennies. >> a little kum ba yah here. thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> coming up on the show you have got to see this amazing soccer goal. player makes a shot and he only has one leg. inspirational story coming up. behind the scenes look at lindsay lohan as elizabeth taylor. does your phone give you all day battery life ?
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after all, when you're going the distance, it's nice to have the experience and commitment to go along with you. keep dreaming. keep doing. go long. well, in an interview with univision yesterday, president obama said if there is one thing i have learned as president is that you can't change washington from within what is he saying if you want real change you have got to throw him out? we have gone to yes we can i'm sorry no one can that's basically what mitt romney said if you want to change it from outside. let's send him out of washington. >> mitt romney said it like four days before jay leno. jay leno is now recycling mitt romney lines. >> one of the least funny people on the planet. >> that's brilliant.
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meanwhile we have been talking about this univision interview that was very hard hitting there. the ache cores there asked the president all sorts of questions. they didn't even bother with just the water cooler issues, they got right to the heart of the matter. one of the things they talked about was fast and furious and why this thing got so botched. >> there is a false claim that came out of this interview. well the way the president phrased it anyway. this idea, this notion that it started under the previous administration, the bush administration, listen to the back and forth here with president obama on this univision interview. listen. >> you told me during an interview that you, did not authorize the fast and furious operation that allowed 2000 weapons from the united states, mexico, and they were in the drug trafficking hands. i think that 200 mexicans might have died and also american agent brian terry.
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there is a report that 14 agents were responsible for the operation. shouldn't attorney general eric holder. he should have known about that and if he didn't, should you fire him? >> first of all, i think it's important for us to understand that the fast and furious program was a field initiated program begun under the previous administration. when eric holder found out about it, he discontinued it. but i will will tell you that eric holder has my complete confidence because he has shown himself to be willing to hold accountable those who took these actions. >> so this notion that the idea that it started previous administration and as jake tapper points out in a piece this morning that no it didn't start under the actual gun walking did but not the fast and the fearous actual program. >> nine months into the obama administration. fast and furious is as a
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program was we gun. nine months into the obama administration. so i know the inticket there from the obama administration is to blame bush. can't do it here. can't even begin to as far as fast and furious is concerned you also heard the president say he believes in eric holder because he has held people responsible for what went wrong. obviously brian terry's family begs to differ they don't any anybody's family has been held responsible. they would like to see people lose their jobsenned an apology a lot of things. they don't think there has been accountability. >> footnote on the univision interview so hard-hitting when you combine romney and obama their viewers combined less viewers than a show on every night in that time slot. isn't that surprising to you? i would have thought it would have been four or five times the actual audience that time slot. what does that say. >> you want to watch nfl game and you have to see one of the presidential candidates. >> a presidential candidate? i wanted to watch my broncos.
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that's the state of affair maybe they are sick of the hot air. >> maybe they prefer honey boo boo. impossible to know. get to your headlines. new york man is in critical condition after he jumped into the tiger exhibit at the bronx zoo. 25-year-old david jumped nearly 20 feet from moving monorail above the exhibit. 400-pound sign beerian tiger immediately attacked. zoo staff used fire extinguisher to push him off. had him roll under electrified wire to safety. once the tiger was secured in another part of the enclosure. emergency crews moved in to help. he had bites around his torso and some broken bones. no word why he jumped into the cage that seems like an important part. the obama administration ready to remove iranian militant group from our national terrorist list. reports say secretary of state hillary clinton told congress yesterday the group known as
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nek will be removed from the list. u.s. officials say there has been no proof of recent terrorist activity from the group and that they have invited intelligence on iran. the move could let nek members officially lobby congress. recruit in the u.s. and possibly even immigrate here. the group swears it's no longer violent despite previously backing saddam hussein. nek has been on the list since 1997. cigarette taxes taking a heavy toll on poor smokers. new study finds low income smokers spend nearly a quarter of their income, 23.6% on cigarettes. that's compared to high income smokers who only spend 2.2% of their income on cigarettes. new york's cigarette tax is the highest in the country at $4.34. the study also finds the tax increases are not encurrentlying low income smokers to quit smoking. well, we're getting our first look at the trailer for the elizabeth taylor movie that
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stars lindsay lohan. >> knows how to make an entrance. >> this is elizabeth taylor. >> that looks pretty good. >> lifetime releasing the trailer for liz and dick after grand bowler grant's irs two time husbands in november. >> i'm still stuck on the cigarette thing. can you believe that? if you do the math on that which i just did 4.30 cents a pack a day for the month $130 a month. >> for low income. >> still has not encouraged the low income smokers to quit. let's talk about sports now. cabrera serving a suspension for finding positive for testosterone. the san francisco giants outfielder has requested that baseball eliminate him from the batting title race. despite still being in the lead. even though cabrera would not finish the season with enough
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bats to qualify, a loophole in the rules could have made him the winner anyway. now the race comes down to the pirates, andrew mccutcheon and giants buster posey. good pr move will help him in the end though. meanwhile you want to talk about amazing goals. you have to see this one. scored by a one legged soccer player. nikko scissor kicks the ball off the net. he is a junior at concord, carlisle high school in massachusetts. born with one leg. he plays on crutches because prosthetic weighs him down. went on to win 9-0. look at him get down the field. it's so positive that they let him play with crutches. today you can see someone having a problem with that. thank god they let him play. >> so inspirational. >> making his way down the field. great story. check in with rick reichmuth outside soon to be lovely fall weather a few hours from now.
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>> look at this wonderful graphic we introduced. >> he made it at home on photo shop. >> exactly. yes, it is soon to be fall. it's already fall like weather, clayton. take a look at this map in across the northern plains feels like winter. snow morning around duluth, minnesota. today your high in international falls 49 degrees about 15 degrees below where you should be this time of year. by tomorrow that cool pocket of air slides little farther off the east. buffalo only at 59 tomorrow. so a big cool much colder than we would see this time of year. all in the front we are dealing with today in the northeast. look at the first alert forecast for the northeast. see those showers and thunderstorms move through through the afternoon. so that 79 you see today in new york city. tomorrow is going to drop by about 10 degrees. down to the southeast we also are looking at nice day. a little bit breezy behind a front as well. temps looking pretty good. florida, you are going to seat rain. all right, guys, back to you inside. >> thanks so much, rick.
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it is fall-like weather. i'm loving it middle east on fire. how should the u.s. respond? is a military presence needed? we were talking about this earlier. should we have some sort of a military strike there? l nt colonel tony shaffer on this issue next. >> and 150 years ago today. abraham lincoln announced the steps to end slavery with the emancipation proclamation. next guest says big government is still enslaving americans. she is here to explain what she means next. ♪ [ male announcer ] from our nation's networks... ♪ our city streets... ♪ skies around the world... ♪
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only flood insurance covers floods. ♪ visit to learn your risk. take marks the 150th anniversary of the announcement of the emancipation proclamation. gateway of ending slavery in the u.s. next guest says the government
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is still enslaving its citizens under mountains of debt and obligation. fox news contributor deneen is the author of backlash, how obama and the left are driving americans to the government plantation. deneen good morning. >> good morning what do you mean government is enslaving people. >> government sen slaving people. emancipation proclamation. great thing to recognize the success long struggle for blacks to gain employment, jobs and housing. we have come a very long way. sadly, when i talk about government plantation, i believe president obama is creating an entitlement society that is driving more and more americans to seek government assistance which is what i call the government plantation. i talk about this in my book. >> are you using the term though slavery too loosely. i mean, that obviously conjures images of violence,
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degradation, comparing that to what the government is doing now, is that too much of a stretch? >> listen, i call slavery from physical slavery to economic slavery. obama put up too many barriers against hard working americans where people are suffering from reduced living standards. if you look energy policy, for example, high energy policies are regressive. harm the poor, the ones on low income. they are least able to afford high energy prices. in new york, gas is over 4ed the a gallon. utility prices are up. sadly, obama a war on coal. coal provides an abundance of our electricity. people are picking and choosing. do i pay my utility bill or do i buy my medicine this month? >> what about personal responsibility? what about personal responsibility that you can't be a slave to government if you don't choose to be a slave to government on some level this isn't the slavery of the olden days where you are whipped if you try escape.
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this has some personal responsibility element. >> it does that's why i call it obama slavery. we have abled bodied americans who are getting food stamps when they could be seeking employment and working now. >> that's a personal responsibility. >> right. right. >> how do you get people to cast off their own chains to run with your metaphor? you are relying on government plantation. the resources are limited. if you are gainfully employed and you can do anything you want with your income and can you spend your money anywhere you want because when it comes to food stamps, for example, where you can use that funding is limited. based on government rules. >> why aren't people getting that message? that's why we are heard today. people should be recognizing the fact that obama is creating an entitlement society and people need to be gainfully employed so they can make their own decisions and choices and to best support themselves and their families
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deenen borelli the book is called backlash. >> "backlash," got it. >> the white house finally admitting that the attack on the u.s. consulate in libya was a terror attack. should the u.s. military respond? tony colonel shaffer is here to talk about that next. plus, they scammed the welfare system while living in this 1.2-million-dollar water front mansion. we have got an update on this story ahead. deenen is going to want to hear this.
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>> welcome back, new
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information this morning about the man who may be behind the attack on the u.s. consulate in libya. intelligence sources are confident that this former guantanamo bay prisoner was involved. even led the assault that killed four americans. >> he was released from gitmo from the libyan regime back in 2007 where he was supposed to remain incarcerated. does this latest revelation lend further proof to the idea that the attacks were terror related and should there be a u.s. military response to these attacks? let's ask lt. colonel tony schaffer. he joins us live from d.c. good to see you, sir. >> good to be on. >> no doubt about it, hillary clinton came out, secretary of state saying this was an act of terror. >> finally. >> finally. why this evolution if you want to be kind about the semantics or were we lied to? were the american people lied to and why? >> well, first off, let me say that the people i have worked
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with for years, the intelligence community are really upset by the fact that they have been giving these policy makers the right scoop from day one and it was all political let me be very clear on this. narrative established early on completely against the facts. a lot of it knew it very early on. didn't want a terrorist attack. especially one that looked like it was planned on the 9/11 anniversary. looks like they didn't increase security anywhere that's why you saw the chaos. didn't want that narrative of them failing to do the right things to get out. >> that's an interesting point then because the intelligence community then is upset about this. how much did we know ahead of time? i guess it's a larger question because then you could say it's a coordinated attack if we have seen all of this chatter as it's called in the intelligence community. how much did they know? first off this guy we knew to be a bad guy was released. he was back on the battlefield. my goodness how can we think
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different? we had camp chapman in afghanistan they took out our brightest cia analyst on bin laden. >> and now this. frankly one of the things we continue to fail to understand is that all these white house leaks have had an effect the enemy has watched and learned how we go about tracking them, dew. what we have now is an the by the enemy of what we're going to see here and i'm going to first alert forecast this over the next six months these guys planned these things globally and all of these things are related because they have been paying attention it and a terrorist who understands it. they were actually able to do a very effective coordinated attack on the 9/11 anniversary. >> people rise aring up and intending to push out this militia group. overall you still have american flags being burned. you still have four dead americans first ambassador since 1979. should we have some type of military response to all of this? >> i think we have to. we have become so reliant on this quote unquote drone
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program. this push button war which two things give me problems. first off. dead men tell no tales. i'm an intelligence officer and fundamentally i want to talk to these guys. maybe we will do something later with them. have to know how to get inside this network. clearly this network has reestablished itself globally. we need to be worried about. this have to get intelligence officers out there doing hard stuff. a lot of the intelligence officers are told to sit on their hands. don't do anything too provocative they're all our friends now. they are not our friends. we have been so naive. i would call it a feel good policy of outreach and giving big hugs to people who don't want to be hugged. what we are doing here is making things worse. sending the wrong signals and frankly military operations precisely used targeted raids is what we have to go back to. what we were doing back before the obama administration came in. >> lt. colonel tony schaffer l.s.u. always great to have you on the show. bright and early bring great expertise this morning. >> thank you. appreciate it.
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>> is the u.s. extending another toll live branch in the muslim brotherhood what bill clinton has plan this week. >> scary moments in the sky for ann romney. >> need assistance here. we have smoke in the cabin. >> smoke in the cabin. details on what forced that plane to make an emergency landing. tends to stay at rest.. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis sympto. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benets with theisks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen,
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>> good morning, everyone, it's saturday, september 22nd. >> i'm alisyn camerota. we begin with this fox news alert. a declared day of love turns to chaos in the streets of pakistan. anti-american protests erupting across the country. leaving many people dead. dozens hurt. what is going on this morning in the middle east? >> as the middle east burns. american flags, former president bill clinton extending olive branch to the muslim brotherhood in a matter of speaking. we will tell you about that. >> plus, pretty nice day for a couple collecting welfare. they will be trading on the
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water front for a sell block. justice is served. we'll explain that for you coming up. >> good. we need inspiration. >> "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. >> good saturday morning, everyone, welcome in to "fox & friends." thank you so much for waking up with us. that's dave briggs, alisyn camerota and i'm clayton morris. good to he see. >> you intense weekend in the middle east. more than a dozen people have been killed in pakistan after the country's day of love for the prophet mohammed has turned deadly. >> this was a country that had asked their residents to take this day of love. where all this anti-american rage went on all throughout the region. jennifer griffin is live in washington covering. there is a lot of nuances here, jennifer, take a look at this. >> very interesting. for the second day in a row anti-u.s. protesters went on
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rampage in bangladesh government had banned protests over this islamic youtube video which many have compared to a cross between borat and a monty python film. nonenonetheless, protesters burd effigies and scored of people were injured. bangladesh called nationwide protest sunday against video which mocks the prophet mohammed. most of the violence friday was in pakistan where at least 19 people were killed. 150 injured. after the government of pakistan took the unusual step of declaring a holiday. calling it the, quote: day of love for the prophet mohammed. by doing so it looked, some say, as though the government was sanctioning violence over the video. secretary of state hillary clinton urged while sitting next to pakistan's foreign minister urged restraint. >> it is important for responsible leaders,
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responsible people everywhere to stand up and speak out against violence and particularly against those who would exploit this difficult moment to advance their own extremist ideologies. in libya, they did just that the reverse occurred in benghazi. libyan anger at the islamist group that is assumed to have been behind the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi erupted and hundreds of angry citizens stormed the compound of al sharia. they evicted the -- it was unprecedented backlash, tens of thousands of libyans marched through the streets of benghazi to protest against the armed militias that are creating anarchy in cities like benghazi. one protester said he did not want libya to begin seeing people walking the streets looking like the taliban. the group then attacked the headquarters of another
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islamist militia during that attack two libyans were killed. 30 were injured. libyans have been carrying placards apologizing for the killing of ambassador chris stevens. >> thank you so much for that update. as you said it is multi-faceted. so has the administration's response to what happened at the u.s. consulate in libya. it has been more than a week now. and the administration has been all over the map in terms of how you this explained this attack and what they blamed it on. at first you will recall they said this was just a response to a movie. let's listen and look back to this week. >> the evolution, yeah. >> some have sought to justify this vicious behavior along with the protest that took place the our embassy in cairo yesterday as a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet. >> we he have no information to suggest it was a preplanned attack it is not a reaction to
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the 9/11 anniversary that we know of. >> this was not a pre-planned, premeditated attack. >> we don't know yet. so we're going to continue to investigate this. >> do you take them at their word they literally didn't know or lt. colonel schaffer is you have this guy in guantanamo bay. you have these people with information tied to these attacks. you have all the coordinated shatter from the intelligence community are saying we were kind of told to sit back a little bit. how is it not coordinated? >> it is difficult to give them the benefit of the doubt here. we don't have the intelligence that the obama administration had. we know there were rpg's brought to an embassy on the anniversary of 9/11. attacks happened in different countries. a u.s. ambassador killed for the first time since 1979. the layperson, this sounds like a coordinated terrorist attack. it does not sound like a random spontaneous protest. let alone the intelligence that the administration ought to have. >> little reported were also
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simultaneous attacks taking place with healthcare workers and nuns were attacked and stabbed at the same time how could this be pulled off without being coordinated attack. >> and also 9/11 as we mentioned. yesterday, hillary clinton, secretary of state, did come out and say unequivocally for the first time if she is speaking for the administration. hard to know if she is speaking for the administration or just herself. in this was absolutely a terrorist attack. now congressman buck mckean has gone on fox news yesterday and talked about how we are supposed to respond now. >> the idea that they have been telling us for a week that there was a demonstration that spun out of control when anybody that had any idea of what was really going on knew that it was a terrorist attack. it was a follow-up to 9/11. it was led by al qaeda. i mean, let's get real with this. this is just a total joke.
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the president, the commander and chief, the one person that is elected by all americans is so busy campaigning that he can't focus on what's happening around the world. our ambassador and three our great americans were killed on property that should be likes a sacred as their own living room. this is just an outrage that's hard to live with. >> well, also raising a few eyebrows this morning and coming out of the middle east is what happened recently in egypt. of course, with the newly elected president there. bill clinton has now invited the president of egypt now, mohammed morsey to his clinton global initiative conference. and so some are wondering whether or not this is is too much of an outreach label muslim brotherhood as a terrorist organization. >> who is -- someone who joined the muslim broor hood in 1977. he worked for the blind sheikh
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who planned the original trade center bombing. when morsey was sworn in. made mention of the blind sheikh and said he would call for that. >> on the flip side this is good for debate and love to hear your thoughts on it. one of 50 current or former heads of state and clinton global initiative stated goal at least is to come up with solutions don't you want him released? if all the heads of state are going to be there talking about this? it's a political question for how to tackle him. >> egypt had been such a long ally of the united states. we know our supports in years
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past hosni mubarak and mubarak regime at this time. >> not a very good guy. >> not a very good guy. we supported egypt for a long long time for hosting mubarak. here is a guy who comes in and by all accounts appears to have a moderating position right now and lots to see. love to hear your thoughts on this. >> let us know at twitter at ff weekend. >> tell you what else is happening in the world. overnight u.s. drone strike killed at least three militants in pakistan. the strike was in a rural area known to hide taliban and al qaeda members neither afghanistan border. the identities of militants are known known there has been dramatic increase in drone itbekesp ing extremely unpopular with pakistanis, overnight. despite widespread anti-american protest that we have been talking about. democrat controlled senate rejected a bill that cut off funding to pakistan, libya, and egypt. the bill was defeated 81-10. republic senator rand paul
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says lawmakers will need to explain to voters why they still support the aid and says we have roads in our country that are crumbling and need repair. we have bridges that are crumbling. we don't have the money but we somehow have billions of dollars to send to people that disrespect us and burden of proof our flag. paul's message would have freed afreedy the pakistani doctor now behind bars after he helped find usama bin laden. the senate also passed a bill to keep the government open for another six months which now must be signed by president obama. republic presidential nominee mitt romney releasing his 2011 tax returns. the return reveals a justed income of $13.6 million for the romneys. $1.9 million of that were paid in taxes. for a 14.1% tax rate. the romneys also stated that they made $4 million in donations to charities. almost a third of their income. but they only claimed a deduction of $2.25 million. now on the flip side. president obama's 2011 tax
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return showed an adjusted gross income of $789,000. $162,000 that he paid in taxes. the obamas had charitable donations of more than $172,000. that's about 22% of their income. there is a scare in the sky for ann romney yesterday. her plane was forced to make a dramatic emergency landing in colorado after smoke filled the cabin. >> firefighters rushing the plane as soon as it landed to deal with the smoke. plane was headed from los angeles to omaha. ann romney and nine others on board all okay. mitt romney spoke to his wife as soon as she was safely on the ground. >> they collected welfare even though they lived in this $1.2 million water front home in seattle. they will will spend 18 months
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behind bars for fraud. silverstein must pay $30,000 criminal fine. the couple also have to pay 16,000ness restitution. those are your headlines. >> not necessarily a welfare. >> that's no shack. >> check in with rick reichmuth with a look first alert forecast fall day. >> fall and cold. check out these temperatures. this is going to be tonight across parts of the northern plains. a lot of areas getting close to breaking some records here. northern plains, even down across parts of kentucky. it's cold already this morning. take look at your temps right now. 24 in bismarck, north dakota. coldest of the air. shoot down across the east. moderate a little bit. dealing with cold air by tomorrow across the northeast as well. a bit of a warm up down acros parts of the southern plains. not looking that bad right now. we do have rain across areas of florida and heavier rain this morning across western parts of new york and pennsylvania that will pull off toward the east and be
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more severe this afternoon after the day heats up. back behind us is where the coldest of the air is you see that white across parts of minnesota and wisconsin that is snow. we are talking first day of fall officially today. and we have some winter-like precipitation nag here across the rain. beautiful across the pacific northwest which they will take because of all the fires they have. temps going on today. still warm down to the south 107 in phoenix. try to tell them it's fall. >> it's really fall down there in phoenix.x pumpkin >> pumpkin roasting. >> go ahead my friend. >> you go ahead young man. >> i will. president obama taking credit for bringing the state of ohio back from the brink. >> after a decade of decline, this country has now created over half a million new manufacturing jobs in the last 2 and a half years. a whole lot of them here in ohio. >> great question this morning, was it the president
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or ohio governor john kasich who brought the state back? we will debate that. >> then, women taking drastic measures to get the president's attention. and help. we'll hear about her fight to keep her home i'm getting like, pep-pepper. it's kind of like drinking a food that's a drink, or a drink that's a food, zip zip zip zip zip! i'm literally getting zinged by the flavor. smooth, but crisp. velvety. kind of makes me feel like a dah zing yah woooooh! [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable. could've had a v8. woooo!
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>> welcome back, everybody. battle in the buckeye state. we're not talking football here. president obama taking credit for bringing the state of ohio back from the economic brink. take a listen. when some of the other folks said we should let detroit go bankrupt. walk away from an industry that supports one in eight jobs in ohio.
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i said we're not going to go that way. i bet on american workers and three years later come back with nearly 250,000 jobs. >> next guest says the president should not be taking all of the credit for what's going on in ohio. really, who has helped rev up ohio wants economy? joining us is ken blackwell the former secretary of state in ohio. good morning, mr. blackwell. >> good morning alli. >> all eyes on ohio. it could be the lynch pinel hot next president will be do you think president obama can take some of the credit for how ohio has turned around. >> he will take some of the credit the realty cool have had the jobs saved with a less expensive cost. do restructured bankruptcy and what people don't understand they have not aided and
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abetted the recovery. they have retarded the recovery in ohio. it's only because the governor of ohio and his administration has a stabilized the tax rates. they have reduced the paperwork associated with doing business in the state of ohio that we have given job creation a chance. the president's administration, his e.p.a. for example, that train wreck could leave hundreds if not millions of americans of ohioans in the dark and unemployed. he has attacked the coal industry. he has attacked the natural gas industry. he has attacked what's at the heart of sustained economic growth in ohio and i just think it's hog watch -- hogwash trying to take full recovery for the recovery. >> ohio has the second most auto jobs in the country behind only michigan. john kasich point to these numbers on your screen to say it has been him who turned it the state around.
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8.6% unemployment in january of 20009. today 7.2%. dramatic turn around. many say it's just too soon to give john kasich, the governor there credit for jobs in ohio and things he has done. those type of programs take years to measure. >> just think about it i want to stay on this whole energy issue. ' announcing behind romney because the president has been against them when his e.p.a. attacks fracking, the new source of wealth and job creation in america his administration is on the side of slow recovery and anemic job growth. just think about it. last month we only created 96,000 jobs when we have to create 250,000 jobs to stay afloat given the item graphics. >> ken blackwell, former ohio
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secretary of state thanks for coming in on your perspective. >> always good to be with. >> you coming up. two weeks since the deadly attack on the u.s. consulate in libya. the white house is now admitting it was tied to terror. coming up how we got to this point. the time line of terror, next. [ female announcer ] they can be enlightening. hey, bro. or engaging. conversations help us learn and grow. at wells fargo, we believe you can never underestimate
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>> welcome back, everybody. still more questions than answers this morning about the horrific attack in benghazi. the white house finally admitting it was an act of terrorism. >> james rosen has more on the latest disturbing details. >> alisyn, dave and clayton, good morning. as in many fateful battles the outcome of the september 11th terrorist attack u.s. consulate in benghazi and deadly fighting that erupted five hours later at an
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american safe house annex a half mile away was decided before hostilities began. >> external armed security as we have been saying outside of the perimeter has been fully handled. >> it just concerns me so gravely that there were not marines present at benghazi to defend the consulate. >> how could an attack go on that long and what kind of response could very had in place. >> designed to protect the americans. sean smith the slain it officer at the consulate reportedly used online name viral wrath to post a message on chat room floor 12:54 weapon gaze time. assume we don't die tonight smith wrote we saw one of our police that guard the compound taking pictures. >> the reports of complicity and they are many, with the
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libyan guards assigned to guard the consulate also suggest to me that this was premeditated. >> at 9:35 that night sources tell fox news, a mob 100 strong, many of its members armed geard at the compound gates. they were not there to protest a video. instead began shooting and breached the perimeter within minutes. >> the attack began and evolved and escalated over several hours. >> lots of command and control. indirect fire, direct fire. there was even a stop for some period of time in the fighting and then it was reengaged. at another location around the consulate. >> arson broke out quickly. obama administration has said only three people were inside the consulate at the time. ambassador chris stevens, sean smith and security officer recently identified as dave ubin only one of the three to escape. badly wounded second battle at the safe house and the "wall street journal" reports the maryland native is now recuperating at walter reed
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lynnian reinforcementes only found the body of sean smith. libyan looters come upon the lifeless body of stevens. the attackers had been heard to say we got him. the ambassador's corpse was dragged from the compound and brought to a nearby hospital. a libyan doctor said stevens succumbed to smoke inhalation. a photo taken that night also showed a bloody gash many darker suggestions unconfirmed about what might also have been done to stevens in a night. surviving americans used two vehicles to retreat to the annex a half mile away. we are conducting interviews. gathering evidence and trying to sort out the many fact. >> among the questions the fbi is trying to resolve is how and when they learned of the annex. glen daugherty and tyrone
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woods were killed there in an attack that was even better equipped and more sophisticated on the first wave. >> people on the ground have seen the fragments. the remains of the mortars and the heavy weapons that were used. >> we have made clear that there were armed assailants who used heavy weapons. >> i just don't think that people come to protest equipped with rpg's and other heavy weapons. >> president obama was first briefed about the benghazi attack about 90 minutes after it began. what has emerged since then, however, from the missed opportunities to redress the inadequate security to the deaths involved and the geopolitical ramifications of the event up to and including the shifting accounts of it put forward by the administration is the dawn of a major foreign policy scandal. one, alisyn, dave, and clayton, that will be investigated and dissected in hearings and official proceedings for years to come. back to you guys in new york. >> will it be an issue now
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with 45 days left before the election? thank you, james, by the way. i mean will the economy take over or will foreign policy become an issue. >> as president obama tried to lay out before in his dnc speech that foreign policy needed to be something they focused on. >> may regret that. >> yeah. they got that all right. up next on the run down, there is no room in this jail. so convicted criminals are being led back out into the streets. why one state is giving them a free pass. >> and it turns out it's not just a saying. timing reali is everything. we will tell you what days that you can save the most cash, new book out tells you how you can tweet at the best time buy turn it temperature at the best time. best time to hit up coworker for a favor in the new book. >> buy a purse, dump a upon say, tell you the best time. ♪
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the week to do it. >> even when to break off an engagement. >> when to tweet, do you not follow this advice get to your headlines and tell you what else is happening in the news. site of the movie massacre in aurora, colorado will reopen by the beginning of the year. cinemark president and ceo tim warner says the theater will be sure to always remember the victims. many people praising the decision to reopen there when something bad happens you try to make a positive out of it so i think it is a good idea to, you know, have it reopen. >> well, at&t nounsment comes as three people wounded in the shooting filed suits against the theater for negligence. >> it's a big victory for religious freedom. appeals court in illinois ruling the state cannot force pharmacies to sell morning after pills like plan b if they have religious objections. the court determined illinois' healthcare right of conscience act protects pharmacists who object because of their
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beliefs. disgraced former democratic governor rod blagojevich forced drug stores to sell plan b in 2005. some inmates in michigan may once again be free not because their sentences are up. this is all because of overcrowding. the county jail in flint michigan was built for 580 people but currently houses more than 700 inmates. state law says that 175 inmates need to be released to meet the standards. the sheriff's office is trying to transfer inmates to neighboring jails. inmates who have served 85% of their sentence will be let out first violent offenders will stay in jail. that's a good program. anyone released could be placed on probation and forced to wear an electronic monitoring device. >> a florida woman is appealing to the president in a rather obvious way to save her home. angela agripi bought her home in 1991. she has taken home a few loans on it. got behind on payments after
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her husband was laid off and passed away in march. she is battling with her bank to get a loan modification. she wants the president's help to make this happen. >> i want to ask president obama why aren't i being granted for hamp modification? i qualify? i meet all the criteria. -- hope defeated and destroyed. >> she hopes air force 1 will fly over and she will get the sign. if she does not get the modification, angela and her daughter will have omove out by mid january. those are your headlines. >> we are caught up in the book. whether is the best time to travel to antarctic. rick, what do you think? best time to travel to arch artic can a? >> i'm going to say april? >> february is the correct answer. [ buzzer ] >> i was close.
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>> we have got andy here from buffalo. >> how are you doing? >> repeat visitor, last time he was here del friscos was out here with a bunch of steak. that's why he came back. no del friscos today. message to producers though del friscos. del friscos. take a look at the weather maps this morning. cool air moving in across the northern plains. only 39 in rapid city. snow overnight in parts of minnesota and wisconsin. get ready, it's the first day of fall couple hours away. winter like weather already falling. take a look at the first alert forecast throughout the northeast. storms and showers could move through. nothing cause major problems. big winds at the time today causing problems in the airports later on in the afternoon. behind it the cooler air moves in as well for tomorrow. down to the southeast a pretty nice day. we will see a lot of sunshine and temps are going to be pretty good. breezy at times as well. into the modern plains, this
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is where the coldest of the air is very unseasonably cool only a 8 drews in fargo. in across the west very warm still across much of the west. especially in towards the southwest. l.a. today 87 in the desert triple digits continue. send it back to you inside. >> thanks so much, rick. we have all heard the saying timing is everything. but how much can timing really impact our lives? >> a new book breaks it all down for us telling us the best time to buy things and to go places to save money and time and improve your life all around tweeted 4 and he joins us now with some interesting facts of when you should do things, when you should even break off an engagement. we will get to that in a moment. my personal favorite. there are days of the week you should actually shop for particular items. we have a graphic to break it down for everyone. let's put that up on the screen and can you explain why you want to buy things on a particular day. >> first of all, saturday, you
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say in is interesting, saturday buy lingerie and outer wear. the inner wear and outer wear. why on saturdays? >> this site shop it to looked at millions of bits of data and telling us when we can get the best discounts. this is buying online. all based on lots of data they broke it down by day. can you look by day and see when you should buy. >> monday dress pants 50% savings. men's apparel 40% off on tuesdays. shoes and children's clothing 40% on wednesday. that's a good tip to get for children's clothing. >> yeah. and alisyn, women's handbags thursdays you get 36% savings for women's handbags. >> i will be writing that down. thursdays. that's strange. basically they just figured out what day retailers are giving these discounts? >> right. there is really no rhyme or reason. but it's based on all the sales data.
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they look at some of the top retailers in the country that's how they base this. >> there is a rhyme or reason the things you should not do for example on the weekend. you are talking to weekend people here and a weekend audience. on the weekend you should not take the car in for repair. why? >> everyone else is doing that on saturdays. it's a bigger rand day. the best day to do that is usually mondays. people don't want to be late for work on monday. on all of the days of the week they don't want to be late on monday. they don't take their car in early on monday. sometimes you can use that to your advantage and negotiate with the auto repair shop. >> a the love people get their hair done on saturday. suffered a busy, busy day. that's a mistake. don't get your hair done on awrd, is a why? >> best day of the week to do that hairstylists say is on tuesday it's the slowest day. they have a lot of time to do your hair. less stressful for them and make fewer mistakes on tuesdays. >> if i want dave and clayton to do me a favor and i'm sure i do. what day should i ask them?
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>> thursdays. behavior psychologists have studied. this they say we are more agreeable later in the week. so why not friday? well on friday we are thinking about the weekend, spending time with our family and friends. so thursday is the best day to hit your coworker up for a favor. >> heard differing theories on what time of the day you should look for a job interview. the best time to go for a job interview before that sort of lunch hangover time so you say 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. is a great time. >> right, 10:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. 3 p.m. easy to explain why the times you shouldn't do it. 9:00 a.m. you come in and the interviewer has just gotten to work, may be distracted from the morning. and then in the early afternoon, your body temperature drops and that makes us all sleepier. that's why 1:00 and 2:00 isn't good good. 4:00 and 5:00, people are thinking about dinner, after work. so if you interview at 10:00, 11:00 or 3:00, you will have the attention of the person
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interviewing you. >> got it, great. there is a best time during the day to get gas at the pump, why? >> well, if the gas prices are rising, as they are now, the best time is before 10:00 a.m. what these gas station manager does first thing is check out competition. if their competition has raised price overnight they are going to do it. they usually don't get around to that until 10:00. buy your gas before 10:00 you are likely to get your gas for less money. >> the audience has been waiting to find out when is the best time to break off an engagement? you say in the evening, why? >> this is the best time to break bad news in general. >> not just dump somebody. why? >> in the evening our blood pressure drops. our pulse drons. we -- drops. less chance for heart attack. americanamerican heart associatn takes this very seriously. they say employers when they do layoffs should always do
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layoffs in the afternoon because in the morning we just are more likely three times more likely to have a heart attack in the morning. >> you are starting the workweek. monday morning is the worst. >> exactly. that's why all the campaigns have released dirty laundry on friday evening document did dump. >> finally we know why. that's great. mark, it's a really fun read. >> thank you. >> buy shoes on wednesday and tweet at 4:00. >> best time to tweet. facebook have a garage salt, you -- sail. marc, you name it thank you. >> the group trying to take down fox news in cahoots with the department of justice. should the spokesman for the doj be fired? the daily caller reporter who broke that story coming up shortly. >> daily new findings looking into arsenic in rice. is it still safe to eat? we will explore this next.
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>> now to a warning about something found on almost all of our dinner plates. a new study released by "consumer reports" found, quote: worrisome levels of arsenic in rice and rice products. leading to a call for federal standards. the fda is now conducting their own study about this. what does this mean for all of our health? is it still safe to eat rice? joining us is pediatrician and physician nutrition specialist dr. mary ellen rena. thank you so much for coming in. >> thank you. >> how worrisome is this? >> there is no reason to panic. i really want to get that point across. no reason to panic. i tell my patients that arsenic is a poison because i have had a lot of phone calls since the news has come that we found arsenic in rice it is a poison. it's in low levels in this cereal and the rice products.
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we don't need to panic. we need to be aware of what we are eating and we need to eat in moderation. >> your a pediatrician though. the first solids that babies eat is this rice cereal it sounds really troubling to give something with a poison in it. >> well, you have to understand, chances are we're eating poisons every day in our foods. >> because they seep in from the ground water? >> correct. it's the way the rice is manufactured. arsenic is a natural poison found in the earth's crust. we are using it in pesticides and seeds we give the animals. cycle of arsenic staying in the manufacturing process of how we are growing the cereal, the rice and the ground. so that's a problem. that's, i think, the bigger problem that we need to look at. the fact that we have small amounts of arsenic in the consume our body does to talks phi it get it out of our system. we need to eat very low levels of it eat in moderation.
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more importantly i think we need to get it out of our environment as best we can we will never eliminate it completely. need to be aggressive getting this out of the pesticides. give us amounts of time per week we can have rice. >> half a serving a day could be fine. >> you could eat rice every day. you don't have to bring it back to once a week or something. >> not because of the arsenic level. the arsenic risks have been there for years and years as and years. >> we have a quote from the f.d.a. our advice is that consumers should continue to eat a balanced diet that includes a wide variety of grains. not only for good nutrition but minimize any potential consequence from consuming any one particular kind of food. balanced diet is always the answer. dr. mary ellen rena, pediatrician, thanks so much for coming in and talking to us about this. >> thank you. back to putting the blame on president bush. obama says fast and furious is their false.
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we will look at the time line of then the daily caller exposes the collaboration between media matters and the department of justice should the spokeswoman for the daily culler be fired? our good friend tucker carlson is here next. ♪
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why not take a day to explore your own backyard? with two times the points on travel, you may find yourself asking why not, a lot. chase sapphire preferred. there's more to enjoy.
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>> not since richard nixon have we seen a president who puts together an enemy's list and has a whole team pursuing it. i think congress should address that tax loopholes for entities that really are not charities. >> going to an organization and basically helping them spin a story, i think is, over the line. certainly for the justice department. it clearly doesn't pass the
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smell test. >> in the wake of the exposing of the coordinated emails between the department of justice and the tax exempt organization media matters. washington is buzzing. jing us now is founder and editor of the daily caller and fox news contributor tucker carlson. daily culler broke the story. nice to see you this morning. >> good morning. >> you say you have evidence that media matters has become an arm of the obama administration. take us through exactly what you guys uncovered. >> that's right. going back several months ago when we broke the story that media matters has had coordinated meetings with the white house. the press operation and the obama white house going back three years in order to coordinate the message and make it more effective on behalf of the democratic party and the obama administration. up until last week, when we uncovered a trove of 70 pages of he emails between the justice department spokesman, tracy and various writers.
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suggesting stories mostly based upon her viewing of fox news and they carry out those stories. there is a coordination here that is i think is beyond dispute problem is that violates the most basic tenant of tax exemption. nonpartisan. taxpayers footing the bill for an extension of the obama re-election campaign? is that narrow to say? >> that's exactly right. nobody begrudges any organization, nonprofit or for profit. it's political views. you are allowed to have views about politics, of course, you are not allowed to remain tax exempt which as you pointed out basically a subsidy from taxpayers if you are working for a political campaign. media matters, without question is. and that's why there are a number of members of congress who has raised this question publicly. and i believe there is going to be pressure on the irs to rethink the tax exempt status of this partisan group. >> here is some of the emails between media matters and the department of justice going back to 2001.
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can you read this media matters mat girths to tracy stallers. i am working on what i think is a conservative myth about operation fast and furious and was hoping you can help us out here. here writes back this is what i got thanks again for your help on this. here is the piece. and sends them the actual written up piece. finally, sounds like coordination to me. >> well, there is no other way to read it. part of the tragedy is the department serious department of government. this is not the department of nonsense. most powerful of all agencies, run all the law enforcement at the federal level in the united states. the fact that their spokesman is spending time helping some left wing political activist. rather than explaining to the public what the doj is doing is public subversion of their mission. you can't do that. >> the department of -- people's heads were turned and
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not paying attention what was going on. >> exactly. sending emails to media matters. do you think congress is going to get movement on this and actually be able to call for media matters tax exempt status to get removed i do think think so. tucker carlson, always great to see you. more "fox & friends" in two minutes. >> thanks. questionable choices? i choose date number 2! whooo! [ sigh of relf ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. [ sigh of relf ] those little things for you, life's about her. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for ily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently.
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>> good morning, everybody. saturday rpg september 22nd i'm alisyn camerota. we begin with a fox news alert. anti-american film protesters take to the streets burning more american flags. this time 20 people are killed. how will the white house respond as the middle east burns. we will take a closer look. >> the president meanwhile blaming bush yet again first of all it's important for us to understand that the fast and furious program was a
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field initiated program begun under the previous administration. >> one problem, the president doesn't have all his facts straight there. separating fact from fiction. >> you know what you flight has been delayed. senator marco rubio experiencing the not so sphrendly decide skies yesterday taking his outrage to twitter. pretty funny. >> been there. >> now senator doing it. we will tell you about his tweets coming up in just a moment. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. hello this is yo-yomon. watching "fox & friends." every day is a ghost radio. >> greatest description of our show. >> he was here promoting new album we remarked it reminded of our show. >> chaos anything can happen. as you know if you are a "fox & friends" we are a goat
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rodeo. >> a band over here and five minutes later we are interviewing a senator. that's "fox & friends." >> we start with world affairs. speaking of the goat rodeo, supposed to be a day of love anti-american protests quickly breaking out across pakistan. death toll now rising to 20 people. pakistan far from the only country where violence against the u.s. is still raging. >> fox news jennifer griffin is live in washington with more details for us. hi again, jennifer. >> good morning, guys. there seems to be domino effect occurring again today. anti-american crowds went on a rampage in bangladesh banned protest over 15 minutes anti-islamic video. protesters burned evidence guess of president obama. torched the u.s. flag and injured scores of people. bangladesh has called nationwide protest sunday against the video which mocks the prophet mohammed. most of the violence friday was in pakistan where at least 20 people were killed and 150
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people injured after the government of pakistan took the unusual step of declaring a holiday calling it, quote, the day of love for the prophet mohammed. by doing so it looked as though the government was sanctions violence over the video. secretary of state hillary clinton urged calm while standing next to pakistan's foreign minister. we found the video at the core of this series of events disgusting, reprehensible. >> given a strong message that the united states government not only condemns it but has absolutely no support to such blasphemist videos or poor tent anywhere. i think that's an important message that message should go a long way on ending the violence on the streets in the world. >> in libya, something unusual occurred. libyan anger at the islamist group that is assumed to have been behind the attack on the u.s. consulate hundreds of
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angry citizens stormed the compound. they have convicted the set fire to their offices. unprecedented backlash. tens of thousands of libyans marched through the streets of benghazi to protest against the armed militias that are creating anarchy in cities like benghazi. one protester said he did not want to see people in his country walking the streets looking like the taliban. the group then attacked the headquarters of another islamist militia known as the are rafalla a different picture in benghazi than the rest of the middle east right now. >> it seems that the white house has finally got on the the same page when it comes to coming to terms how they are going to label what that attack was on n. libya september 11th. now calling it a terrorist attack this came on the heels of phrasing it, and parsing it not coordinated, not
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spontaneous. >> are they that unequivocal. only hillary clinton is the person who has used the word terrorism. the president was interviewed on univision and he said these are violent acts by people who want to do westerners hard. hillary clinton was very vociferous about what she thinks happened. >> what happened in benghazi was a terrorist attack. we will not rest until we have tracked down and brought to justice the terrorists who murdered four americans. >> that was the first time i thought maybe she is going to run for president. >> i just saw that and thought is this the beginning of a fracture between her and the obama administration? >> they are using different language. >> okay, dick morris. >> all bets are that she will be gone most say she is done
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as sifs. susan rice, she is the one who came out. is there a fracture here is there another important question here. regardless of that were the american people lied to? is this an evolution gathering the facts on this and evolving throughout the week or were the american people lied to initially told spontaneous reaction told anti-islam film. >> third whether or not it's a terrorist attack would we provide the same response you would after the coal bombing or would you provide a different response like after september 11th in afghanistan? lt. colonel tony shaffer on what sort of military course we should be taking. listen to his response. >> right now we have got to look at how to get inside this network because clearly here this met work is reestablished itself globally. we have to get these intelligence officers back out there doing hard stuff. a the love the intelligence officers were told sit on their hands and don't do anything too provocative because they are all our friends now. they are not our friends.
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we have been so naive. i would call it a feel good policy of outreach and giving big hugs to people who don't want to be hugged. military operations precisely used targeted raids what we have to go back to. what we were doing before the obama administration came in. >> they are making the point we should be having targeted drone strikes and ill fill trading these organizations not just because it's al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. weird factions of al qaeda that are desperate and trying to get a name for themselves. may not have the intention operatives infiltrating those particular groups. >> we have done targeted drone strikes. you can't say this administration has done that they have done that. and, of course, the president has sounded as though he wants a law enforcement response to this. he has said we are going to bring these people to justice. that's law enforcement not military response. >> is it a coal bombing response, which is sort of a military -- i'm sorry a legal response or is it a
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september 11th 11th type response to what we did in afghanistan and the tastes around the world? >> either way. foreign policy back on the front page. 45 days out from the election. it is now a hot button her. >> we do have other news. get right to your headlines and tell you what happening. three militants killed overnight in pakistan by a u.s. drone strike. the hit was in a rural area near the afghanistan border. the identities of the militants are unknown at this hour. dramatic increase in drone strikes as you were just talking about in pakistan since may despite being exunpulay with pakistanis, american officials say they are too important to stop. mitt romney paid nearly $2 million in taxes for 2011. the republic presidential nominee releasing his tax return for last year. shows a gross adjusted income of $13.6 million the romneys paid $1.9 million in taxes. makes them have a 14.1% tax rate. the romneys also made
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$4 million in contributions to charities. that's almost a third of their income. but they only claimed a deduction of $2.25 million. in comparison, president obama's 2011 tax return shows adjusted gross income of $789,000, $162,000 paid in taxes. the obamas had charitable donations of more than $172,000, that's about 22% of their income. both candidates are generous with charity. no sidelines slowing down this 90-year-old man dedicating 70 years of his life to the navy. sarcus enlisted back in 1943. part of a group that test ited the first ever guided missile used in world war ii. and while he has seen a lot in his time. there is still one thing he is in awe of, it's email. he has no plans to retire any time soon. i was pause foorg clayton reaction.
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this hero is. >> encourage him if he is just start talking about getting into email don't do it it it's a slippery slope. >> taking over your life. >> if you could get rid of email in your life? >> that's why you didn't hear the emailing. >> i was literally emailing. >> rick, am i flight get rid of email your life improves. >> i don't email anymore. just text. email is too long. i think email will become obsolete. >> facebook messaging and iming taking over. who separate segment we will do one day. >> can't wait for that one. feeling like fall this morning. has for a little bit. across the plains only getting to 48 degrees in international falls. 15 degrees below where you should be this time of year. all these temps well below normal. tomorrow that cool air mass moves off further to the east. buffalo only getting to 59 tomorrow. way down across parts of
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kentucky only getting into the 60's. storms this morning across parts of western pennsylvania and new york as that moves off towards the coast. we will see some severe weather fire mostly just damaging winds but big downpours along with that as well. this morning, talk about fall. you see that white and pink on the map on the radar. that is snow and mixed precipitation. so, already some snow falling across the northern plains with much colder temps. all right. guys. send it back to you. >> sounds like you are taunting me, rick. the little devilish smile you get when you talk about snow. my wife remarked said i don't know if i'm ready for it to get cold yet. >> it's 70 degrees out. i'm cold already. >> coming up. are you under water on your mortgage or facing foreclosure? bob massi here next to answer your questions. >> it's not just passengers who are fed up with airlines. even u.s. senators are sick and tired of all the delays. marco rubio launching into a twitter tirade.
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>> overwhelming process for the millions of americans trying to recover from the housing crisis. each week here on "fox & friends," bob massi has been answering your emails about real estate now you can ask him a question in person. here to tell us about his brand new seminar in florida is bob massi. nice to see you this morning. teaming up with fox news, doing a big seminar down in florida in a few weeks on september 27th. tell us about it. why are you doing this? >> it's a free seminar next thursday, actually, from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the club at treasure island. owned by a general named bill edwards great american success story who radio built his
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dreams after the vietnam war. given this beautiful fittings to do this seminar. the purpose behind it, clayton is obviously to educate the people on what's going on and to have a few hours to educate them, take them from the beginning how we got here, how they could rebuild their dreams i'm going to be covering things like asset protection, credit issues, foreclosures, what your rights are, short sales. i have a opinion of experts also that will answer questions for the audience after. you can register by going to rebuilding your dreams at and it is free to the public it's next thursday at the club at treasure island. i thank them for allowing us to be there. i think it will be great for the public. >> email address we will make sure to give it out at the end as well. answering questions like these that we have gotten from viewers this week. i will read you this first one here. bob, we lost our home in arizona in 2010. we had it up for a short sale. that didn't work. now the second mortgage is going after us.
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it's about two years. how long can they pursue the collection of the seconds mortgage? that's from ray? >> when we sign up for a mortgage, we sign a promissory note. the promissory note by definition is a contract, we're promising to pay. in most every state in the country there are some exceptions, there is usually what we call a six year statute of limitations. that being from the time that you breach or don't pay that promissory note, then they can pursue the contract for payment. now, the reason why it's tricky is because this was a second mortgage. and most second mortgages, clayton, they are basically like an unsecured creditor. they basically they are there. they are like a credit card. they do have the right to pursue it they can end up selling this note to it a collection agency. the collection agency could pursue it you may want to consult with a lawyer there to find out what the statute is. and what your rights may be to defend against that. >> here is from cathy. she writes: we filed chapter
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13 bankruptcy for irrelevancy reasons. we surrendered the home but the house still has not been taken out of our name. we are paying the hoa dues. what can we do? >> you know, i have to tell you, this is a major problem. when you file chapter 13. that's a reorganization type of payment of debt. even though you surrender a home, believe it or not, i can't tell you how many homes in america people that have walked away, foreclosures haven't happened. and still in their name. here is the most important thing. as long as that home is titled to you legally, you should always maintain insurance on that home. because if something happens to that home, you could be held responsible. many lenders put the insurance on, but in this case probably what happened fell through the cracks. they haven't figured it out yet. somebody is going to wake up one morning and say we better take this home back there is a chapter 13. and so far as the hoa dues, i wouldn't pay them because why maintain them on a home basically that you are not
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occupying. you are not short selling it just let it go and save that money. but that's basically what they need to do. >> great tips, bob. more of that coming your way at this big seminar on september 27th. register by going to rebuilding your dreams at that's the email address. send in your emails there for the registration down there in florida. bob, great to see you this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> coming up on the show the president blaming president bush yet again for this first of all, i think it it's important for us to understand it was a field initiative program begun under the previous administration. >> one problem is the president is not telling the truth there. we will find out if he is or if there is some shading in between. we will separate the fact from fiction next. then, teen's murder illegal immigrant released from the county jail. now that boy's father trying to make sure something like that doesn't happen again. [ rosa ] i'm rosa and i quit smoking with chantix.
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>> forget deportation the state of california may allow illegal immigrants currently in prison to go free as soon as their sentences are complete. the so-called trust act would release undocumented ex-cons even when federal authorities say they should be detained. >> the law is angering many, including our next guest. igentleman jamile shaw sr. next son had been released instead of being deported. joining us is jamil shaw sr. good morning, sir. thanks for being with us. >> thank you for inviting me. >> this legislation that is proposed that the governor has given no indication he will sign, are you afraid it may open the door to something happening to some other kid?
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some other son just like yours? >> yeah. that's the -- that's my main concern. it's just very disrespectful that they would put american citizens in danger to please a few people when their main job should be public safety. we have to make the citizens of california feel safe. you know, our kids need to feel safe. knee feed to be able to walk down the street without being shot dead by someone that's illegally in the country. our last resort of safety is the jails. if they are going to let them out of jail without deporting them that's the exact same thing that happened to my son. >> if you could in a nutshell tell us what happened to your 17-year-old son. >> the short version is he gas coming home from the mall i say check in time where are you? he said i'm right around the
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corner, dad, i will be there in two or three minutes. hung up the phone. as soon as i hung up the phone about. >> third seconds later i heard two loud gunshots. immediately i knew that, man, don't tell me my son just got shot. i said to myself i hope he is not dead. i went outside and looked and there he was. laying in the street dead. still had his cell phone in his hand. didn't even have time to even drop the cell phone. blood everywhere, you know. his brain matter is in the street. i never seen brain but i knew that must be what brain looks like, you know. is he laying there dead. i couldn't even today four years later, i still don't believe it. you know, i mean, he was doing good. he was mvp of the football team. player of the year. all city. you know, getting recruited from major universities. he knew his future was looking, you know, pretty good, never been in any trouble.
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and he was a football player and mistaken for a rival gang member and that is why this illegal immigrant felt compelled it to kill your son? here is your fear. this program explain to viewers would release illegal immigrants if they did not record.erious or violent they say this is to bring trust between the community and law enforcement. why do you think they are not talking about deporting these illegals? >> yeah, that's the main thing, what about trust? what about the trust of the community? they don't want to deport people because they say that, well, they are only in jail for minor offenses. yeah. but according to the law, being in the country is against the law. so, what they're trying to prevent is that after they go to jail, they don't want to be deported. they want to act like being
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here in the country he illegally is not illegal. it doesn't make any sense to put us in danger to just for a few people, you know, there are people who are in jail for maybe a minor offense now, but the last offense, you never know what they did in the past. they don't even want to check the people in jail. so if you don't want to czech the people in jail, who is going to protect us? what do we do as american citizens? what do we do? >> and by the way, we should mention that the reason this resonates with you so much is because your son's killer, the person pedro espinosa we have known was found guilty and just been released from jail hours before shooting your son and killing him. had he been detained, perhaps the fate would have been much different. thank you so much for coming in and sharing your story of your son and all of the pictures of him and alerting us to this possible act. thank you. >> yeah.
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thank you for bringing attention to this. thank you very much. >> hopefully governor brown is listening, sir. thank you. coming up, president obama making a surprising admission. >> most important lesson i have learned is that you can't change washington from the inside. you can only change it from the outside. >> so even with full control of congress, the president admitting you can't necessarily get the job done. we will ask governor mike huckabee how he feels about this next. >> g.m. rolling out a major recall because your car could roll away. that's what the cars might do. just roll away. what you need to know about this. [ rock playing ] flo: every driver is different.
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>> as if i don't have enough baby products in the house a whole army of them just arrived. >> there you go. these are the ones that will grow with your child. >> oh, good. >> you don't have to throw them out. >> that's the key. >> it is. my wife just said got all these. [sneeze] >> god bless you. >> got a whole bunch of baby stuff and she has just outgrown it it? >> garage sale. >> stick around for that.
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dave briggs, clayton morris, hash tag reunited and it feels so good. some of the viewers started that this morning. the three of us back together we love it it touche. >> let's get to your headlines and tell you what else is happening at this hour. new york man in critical condition. listen to this crazy story after he jumped into the tiger exhibit at the bronx zoo. the 25-year-old david jumped nearly 20 feet from a moving monorail above the exhibit. 400-pound siberian tiger immediately attacked. zoo staff used a fire extinguisher to chase the tiger off then had him roll under the electrified tire to safety. once it was secured in another part of the enclosure emergency crews rushed it to help. he had bites around his torso and some broken bones. no word on why he he jumped into the came. >> president obama is at it again. pointing the finger at former president george w. bush. this time for the botched fast
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and furious operation. this is what he said about when asked about attorney general holder and holding him accountable for fast and furious. >> first of all, i think it's important for us to understand that the fast and furious program was a field initiated program. begun under the previous administration. >> well, actually, fast and furious started in october of 2009. nine months after president obama took office. he also said holder stopped the program as soon as he found out about it and had complete confidence in holder. holder was found in contempt of congress for failing to turn over documents on this flawed program. >> a washing for you this moving -- this morning i should say if your car is made by general motors and is moving inexplicably. the auto giant is recalling nearly 474,000 cars because of a problem with the transmission. g.m. says part of the cable can break causing the car to stay in gear, despite being
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put in park. the recall effects 2007 through 2010 models of chevy malibus, pontiac g 6's and saturn oar are as. general mothers is aware of four crashes because of this problem but no injuries as of right now. well, even senators get frustrated with airline headaches. florida senator marco union row went on a little rant about american airlines last night after his flight to d.c. was delayed. one tweet read delaying flight for quote maintenance to squeeze exectioners from other flights oldest trick in the book. feel bad for crew. next one, since i'm going off on american airlines tonight, let me say pilots and flight attendants are top notch, not their fault. american airlines did try to apologize tweeting thanks for your patience, marco, we hope you have a great flight. that sounds like a direct tweet. >> senator rubio has not responded. >> called him senator.
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>> i don't know if i would drop marco on him. >> what are the chances they didn't even know who he was. >> i don't think they knew who he was. i don't think you would direct that to marco. >> like responding to rick on twitter. thanks, rick, we hope you enjoy your flight. >> we like to call him ricky. >> they dent know he is a fox news chief meteorologist. they don't know that. >> we address you as chief. >> i like that. thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> got it. >> guys, i will tell you what, it's nice out right now because it's going to be warm today and cold tomorrow, allison, get ready big storms this afternoon. that's what's going it to cool it down. take a look at the maps. bulls eye there rain off to the west to the afternoon. heat up and that front will move here and see some severe weather from around baltimore up towards albany and going to be talking mostly about some isolated damaging wind events with those thunderstorms that move on through. not as bad as the last batch we saw a few days ago. we will see more. take a look at the first alert forecast for the day here.
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not an all day washout just as the line mfs through it will cause some problems behind it much cooler air in front of it. little bit warmer and sticky again. 84 in philly. down to the south. rain showers across florida. tail end of another front looking like plenty of sunshine. temps not that bad as well. dallas 97. to the northern plains, this is where it is cold. snow this morning across minnesota and wisconsin. see that begin to taper off as the day warms up a little bit and see some rain showers. very cool conditions there out across the west. it's hot. going to stay hot still store the deserts. today in phoenix, 107. >> probably see some 110-degree marks there right around parts of the colorado river rally. heat still continuing, still very much summer across not like fall like it is everywhere else. >> thanks so much, rick. >> chief, thank you. talk to governor mike huckabee who joins us this morning. host of huckabee on the fox news channel. good to he so you governor, good morning. >> quite a week in the news
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world. a this week a the love the focus was on this terrorist attack. now being labeled by the obama administration as a terrorist attack in libya. we heard this from secretary clinton coming out it took a long time this evolution of the administration to label it a terrorist attack. was this a lack of leadership and why still haven't we heard from the president? >> let me be real blunt about. this this is not something i say lightly and not something i would say very often. our government lied to us. it's as simple as that they lied to us. they knew this was not about the film. there was intelligence agalore. for example, in a letter september 4th dated published in the jerusalem post before the attacks in egypt there was indication there was trouble. three days before the lib i don't know attack, one ever the senior security officials in libya warned the united states that they thought that trouble was brewing. take extra precautions. this was not about a youtube video. >> so why? why didn't they call it a terrorist attack? >> why lie? >> because this administration wants to believe when the
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death of usama bin laden, we really don't have this serious terrorist threat as we did. and that the war on terror, have you never heard them use that because it's a phrase they don't want to embrace. you know, i don't care what they call it, but the fact is, islamic radicals are still very operative. they want to kill us. this is not a group of people you sit down and reason with and simply curtailing free speech in this country does not moderate them. that's the insanity in all of this. >> the fact of the matter is hillary clinton was very clear yesterday. if you listened to her speak, it seems as though is there a fracture in this administration? this was not a woman wavering as alli talked about the president may have been doing in this univision interview trying to muddle his way through description of this. not the case with hillary. >> the original narrative from the administration was that we don't know. first it was the video. and, you know, i remember carney's statement was it is no doubt nothing to do with
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this administration and its policies. >> just an uprising. well, something of this nature you don't overrun a consulate. you don't overrun an egyptian embassy in either of these places and burn flags and desecrate flags just because some students got a little overheated. >> and kill an ambassador. >> also the president this week made headlines with his univision interview and some revealing remarks about not being able to change washington from the inside. let's listen to the president and get to you respond to this. take a listen. >> the most important lesson i have learned is that you can't change washington from the inside. you can only change it from the outside. that's how i got elected. that's how the big accomplish. s likes healthcare got done was because we mobilized the american people to speak out. that's how we were able to cut taxes for middle class families. >> okay. so, your response to that but also mitt romney said the exact same thing in 2007. almost word for word. you can't change washington from the inside. what changed?
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has anything changed or was that out of context? >> no it wasn't out of context. romney was right when he said it. obama was right. but the problem was he was absolutely dishonest when he said you can't change it from the inside. you change it from the outside healthcare. here is why. healthcare passage was entirely an inside job. deal making with the big drug companies through pharma. the deal marking with arp. deal making with the unions. deal making with specific senators and congressman in order to get their votes necessary for patches like ben nelson and mary landrieu, bart stupak over in the house there were very clear insider -- this was the most inside deal and if he talks about the american people, the american people were opposed to obama care. doesn't he understand what the birth of the tea party was about? and why the congress turned to the republics in the 2010 election after so many people were disgusted that obama care had been rammed down their throat? that is on its face the most ridiculous statement he could
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have made. i want to say univision anchors are to be commended. they play their a game. i was thinking. >> absolutely. >> they ought to be hosting the debates and moderating them. >> debate on univision. >> i'm sure obama would now say heck. no what a great job and a professional job on their part. >> jorge ramos. >> absolutely. >> let's hope moderators are taking a page from that in our country. >> respectful. president of the united states but also accountable to the american people. virtually no one in the press has held this president accountable like jorge did. i thought it was extraordinary performance. >> well, stick around because governor is going to stick around and talk about immigration. president also in that interview revealing one of his biggest failures. he thinks it's his ability to create jobs. you think that might be one of his biggest say didn't get a lot of jobs. he was saying immigration was the biggest issue that he wants to tackle in his next
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term. have the governor weigh in on that next. >> are you suffering from bad my grains? there may be a cure to end all your headache troubles. tell you about that coming up as well. remember when you said men are superior drivers? yeah. yeah. then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] safe driving bonus check? what is that? so weird, right?
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>> welcome back, while doing an interview with univision this week. president obama was grilled by the hosts about his first term failures. and the president said his biggest let down was not that he didn't create more jobs but. this. >> well, jorge has you remind me my biggest failure is we haven't gotten immigration reform done. it's not for trying or desire
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i'm confident we are going to accomplish that. >> what does this mean for the president's re-election if he got a second term is that something he would focus on. let's bring in back in governor mike huckabee. what did you think of the president's comment there? >> it's disingenuous. he had the house, the senate, the white house. if he had wanted it put immigration reform through, he had the opportunity. he spent all this time on obama care what he is saying in this interview he said he was looking for a partner, a bipartisan partner, a republic to help with it and he could not find one. >> how come zero. how many senate republicans and house republicans. that is so disingenuous. first ten years, he had the opportunity. here is the opportunity, alli. he never even put it it on the table. it would have been one thing he had introduced a bill put it on the table and put it through. then he could blame the republicans. can he not blame the
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republicans because he never put a bill in front of congress, not once. >> by name he called out john mccain on that very issue saying john mccain wanted it and then he was against it it john mccain firing back. youner crafted any piece of legislation. >> you can't eat a hamburger that hasn't been served. >> has he done immigration by basically what he has done with the work, temporary work permits? he is done with that issue, isn't he? hasn't he moved on. >> he did by executive order what one year before to a latino audience. >> the law forbid him. i don't know how he gets away with it my gosh i know in all the years i ever served -- i would have been called out on stuff like this for the double speak. he gets away with it. i just absolutely am flagger gassed by it. >> yet the polls in the latino community bear out a sizeable lead for president obama right now. all pundits looking this week what's going on in florida 7 point lead in florida in cuban
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community. i don't know if they are not hearing it it not paying attention to it. what do you think is going on. >> perception is reality in politics. the perception is he is working real hard and republicans are messing him up. it's the perceived reality. the perception that people have largely based on the fact that he gets away with that and nobody just calls him on the carpet and says, mr. president, with all due respect, sir that is not true. and, you know, have you have several things, fast and furious issue. the immigration issue where it's simply not true. if he doesn't get called out and if you don't have all the big mouths of the national media, the "new york times," the "the washington post," and the three big networks who are willing to call the obvious what it is, then, no, i think people will perceive he is really work hand -- hard and trying. >> me a love, running for congress in utah. mom of justin bieber in a very
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heart warming inspirational story as well. >> absolutely. it's going to be a terrific night. i know you will be sitting home put your kids to bed early. >> love the beebs. >> notre dame, michigan. >> football on a saturday? >> as you know raising kids cost a lot of the money. most essential baby production out there not only grow with your kids but also save you some doe. ♪ ♪
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there are some great products out there that can grow with your child and help you save cash. lori richmond editor with the she is here. great to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> it's your first product and basically a two for. >> travel system. from kiko two products. most important things you are going to need infant car seat and stroller. >> when they grow out of the infant car seat can you still have the stroller. >> if you bought these things separately it's going to cost you $500, probably even more. travel system is going toive you like 200 bucks. >> fantastic. next thing animal crackers home and away three in one high chair. how does this do three things. >> $120, three high chairs in one. full feature high chair. a travel high chair and toddler booster. it's amazing. one of the favorite of the
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moms. seat recline, remooivel tray and there is casters on the wheels. push bebb right up to the table. on the go pop the seat off. fold it up throw it in the trunk and attaches to most dining chairs restaurants. >> as we were talking about these things get so grungy that they have fixed that problem. >> this fabric cover comes right off the seat throw it in the washing machine you are all set. >> smart trike three in one tricycle. what is this contraption. >> not something you see every day. a combination tricycle and a stroller. >> and a solar panel. >> and a solar panel, exactly. this is going to be $130. if you were going to buy them separately would cost you like $200. this will save you $70. >> where do you put the child. >> baby can start in the seat at about 10 months old. this acts much like a stroller seat there is a safety harness and little foot rest so they can put their feet on there while mom and dad push them on a stroller. they feel like a big kid
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actually riding the tricycle. put the foot rest back and learn to pedal around 24 months the stroller handle comes off and scoot around on their own. >> that's very very cool. >> it's fun. >> talk about this booster seat when they have grown out of a cure seat or a baby seat in the car. >> exactly this is the uber booster. it's $300. that gets you a full back booster as well as the backless seat. it might sound a little bit pricey. keep in mind some parents are spending $200 just for the full back booster that has a really high safety rating. that's not getting you the backless seat. another thing parents don't realize about car seats they actually have an expiration date of about six years. you want to make sure that your seat is current with safety guidelines. this seat is actually good for nine years. potential to use it for more than one child. long-term savings of like $400. >> great. good stuff. all really interesting. they have come a long way since seven years ago when i had kids. lori richmond from the thanks so much.
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shredder, a $29 value free. [♪...] call or go online now. [♪...] >> good morning, everyone, it's saturday. september 22nd he. i'm alisyn camerota. we have a fox news alert. a declared day of love has turned to chaos in the streets of pakistan. anti-american protests erupting across the country, leaving many dead and dozens hurt. what is going on in the middle east? east? >> and it took the obama administration ten days to get the story straight and called the raid in libya a terror attack. now, lawmakers want to know why. >> it was a follow-up to 9/11. it was led by al-qaeda. i mean, let's get real with
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this. this is just a total joke. >> dave: will the white house clear up the confusion? will the foreign policy get back on the front page. >> clayton: while roads are crumbling, and billions of dollars burning the american flag. is it time to cut foreign aid? the senate just made the call and tell what you they did. "fox & friends," hour four starts right now. ♪ >> you're watching "fox & friends"! that's a great way to begin your day. [bell ringing] >> good morning, everybody, thanks so much for joining us, dave briggs, clayton morris alisyn camerota, or @alisyn camerota. >> she closed her one account and tried 0 change the name. no, no, change the name. you don't have to close one and open another, you just change the name. trust me i've done it, i
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changed my name. every week. >> dave: i'm going to change it again and i won't close an account. >> his new twitter name is fall dave briggs and then winter dave briggs. >> alisyn: all right, we have to get to the top stories. and all of this happening in the middle east, the death toll now hitting 20 people after what was supposed to be a day of love, that's what it was called, this is in pakistan and it turned into anti-american rage, as you can see. and pakistan is not the only place where violent protests erupted. >> yeah, fox news national security correspondent jennifer griffin is live in washington following all of these developments and it's a hard job, doing a great job explaining it for us, jennifer. nice to see you. >> well for the second day in a row, anti-american protesters went on a rampage in bangladesh where the government has banned protests over that 15 minute anti-islamic video many called an across between a borat and "monty python"
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film. nevertheless they burned the american flag and effigies, bangladesh called against. and 120 people injured and others killed. calling it the day of love for the prophet muhammad. by doing so, some say it looked like the government was sanctioning violence over the video and secretary of state hillary clinton urged calm while sitting next to pakistan's foreign minister. it is important for responsible leaders, indeed, responsible people everywhere to stand up and speak out against violence and particularly against those who would exploit this difficult moment to advance their own extremist ideologies.
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>> but in libya today, the reverse occurred, elsewhere in the middle east. libyan anger at the islamist group assumed to be behind the attack in benghazi, hundred of angry libyan citizens stormed the compound al sharia. and evicted the militia and rooted their weapons and set fire to the offices, unprecedented backlash. tense of thousands of libyans marched through the streets of benghazi, against the anarchy. and one began he said he didn't want people walking through the streets looking like the taliban. back to you in new york. >> alisyn: thank you for the update on this. >> clayton: now let's talk about the white house. because the white house has been under pressure to come clean with the american public exactly what they knew about the terrorist attack prior to it unfolding in libya, why weren't they calling it a terrorist attack. now, hillary clinton on friday
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coming out in unequivocal terms saying it was in fact a terrorist attack, take a listen. >> what happened in benghazi was a terrorist attack, and we will not rest until we have tracked down and brought to justice the terrorists who murdered four americans. >> alisyn: so she's using strong language and saying unequivocally, terrorists, terrorism. that's different than even what president obama said in the univision. read his language, inexcusable violent acts directed at westerners. >> dave: that's muddled at best. the question to you folks this morning, were you lied to? why the american people lied to? that's what governor huckabee says a few minutes ago, clearly the administration had more information than they let on when they came out. first off you had 9/11, it happened on 9/11, on the anniversary, rpg's dropped at the scene and attacks going on in different countries. no one in that administration,
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including susan royce could have believed that this was a spontaneous protest related to a film, an anti-islam film. they had to know more, why did they go with this line? >> now that we know all of that information, watch this montage here, because these are the responses over the week after this unfolded and tell us what you think. take a listen. >> some have thought to justify this vicious behavior, along with the protests that took place at our embassy in cairo yesterday as a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet. >> we have no information to suggest that it was a pre-planned attack. it is not a reaction to the 9/11 anniversary that we know of. >> this was not a pre-planned, pro meditated attack. >> we don't know yet so we're going to continue to investigate this. >> not pre planned, not
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premeditated and randomly people got together and carried out the attacks that are coordinated? not only that you had health care workers and nuns, and other yirs coordinated the same time being attacked that's been unreported. >> alisyn: of course it's interesting to talk about what the right terminology is, but it's also more to talk about what we're supposed to do about this. talking about this. >> the idea that they've been telling us for a week that there was a demonstration that spun out of control when everybody that had any, any idea what was really going on knew that it was a terrorist attack, it was a follow-up to 9/11. it was led by al-qaeda. i mean, let's get real with this. this is just a total joke. the president, the commander-in-chief, the one person elected by all americans is so busy campaigning that he can't
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focus on what's happening around the the world. our ambassador and three other great americans were killed on property that should be as sacred as in their own living room. this is just a-- an outrage that is hard to live with. >> dave: the congressman part of the house arms services committee and james rosen earlier on the program said without a doubt, calls for an investigation, hearings on capitol hill to determine what happened here, how did they evolve or where were the american people lied to. another question, where is the obama policy gotten us in terms of our stance in the world. our reputation, reaching out in the muslim world. has it been successful at all, guys. >> clayton: counsel allen west congressman from florida, this is what happens when you create the void that other terrorist organizations are going to try to fill that void. let's listen. >> when you look at what is happening across the middle east and there is a parallel with jimmy carter. when you depose a leader in
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the middle east, you have to think about the second and third order effects. who is going to fill that leadership void and history has shown when you have that type of void, radical islamists are always looking to fill that gap. >> alisyn: he's not the first one to say that. everyone was worried when the arab spring broke out that there would be a power vacuum and now it looks like that has come. and let's get your headlines and what else is happening, the democratically controlled senate shooting down the bill funding the pakistan and libya be and egypt. and the bill was defeated 81-10 and rand paul pushed the measure ages, and explain to voters why they still support the aid and he says, quote, we have roads in our country that are crumbling and need repair and we have bridges, and need money and send money to people
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th who disrespect us and burn our flag. and the doctor behind bars after he helped to find osama bin laden and the senate passed a bill to keep it running and must now be signed by barack obama. and mitt romney has returned a tax return for 2011, learned he had a growth adjusted income of 13.6 million dollars. 1.9 million dollars were paid in taxes, that makes him in a 14.1% tax bracket and the romneys made 4 million in charity almost a third of their income and only claimed 2.25 million deduction. and president obama's tax return showed adjusted gross income. 789,000 and 162,000 paid in taxes and charitable donations more than 172,000, that's about 22% of their income.
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are magnets a cure for migraines? some california scientists think so. and some think it sent a magnetic pulse to the back of the head and some thing it helps to stabilize the migraine. takes away symptoms in two hours and developed fewer over time. and gary on twitter says my wife gets these headaches all the time and looking for help. maybe that's help for you. >> alisyn: look to the magnet. >> dave: news you can use. and here is rick. >> rick: cold across the the plains, get ready alisyn, it's not just for you. tonight it's going to be cold again. the areas across minnesota, wisconsin, even towards kentucky flirting with record low temperatures for your night tonight. waking up this morning, already cold, looking at temps and, put that for me quick, and temps 20's far northern
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plains and 23 in bismark, north dakota and that cold air is going to slide off further to the east and move forward for me, one more. talking cold temperatures in the north and the south and temps into the 06's and 80 degrees right now as you're waking up in phoenix, it's not fall everywhere even though it will technically be in about an hour and a half, guys. >> just ask siri, rick. >> it's frozen. >> thank god we've got nick here who can handle it. >> nearly two weeks after the deadly attack on the consulate in lib yeah, the the obama administration finally admitting it was an act of terrorism. what does the mixed messaging say about the president? we'll analyze that. >> a remarkable strike he makes a soccer goal and only has one leg. the inspirational story next. ♪
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>> welcome back, it's been 11 days since the attack on our u.s. consulate in libya. and the white house has gone back and forth. whether it was an act of terror or spontaneous relative to a film. now he we know it's terrorism. what does the mixed messaging say about the president and his administration? let's go the new york post columnist and editor of commentary magazine, good to see you, john. >> good to see you, too. >> why did the administration go with this line for a number of days that this was related to a spontaneous protest about this anti-islam film? clearly they had more information than that? >> i don't know the answer to that and i don't think we're going to know the answer to that for long time, until people write their memoirs. i think the most telling thing that happened this week
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happened on thursday when jay carney, the white house press secretary came out and said, it was an act of terrorism, and 20 minutes later, the president, on univision said we didn't know, we were still investigating. now, the press secretary speaks for the president. what he says is presumably cleared by the president. how we could have a division in 15 minutes time between his spokesman saying what every press account and every piece of information we have tell us, and the president holds to this baffling and mystifying line that this was, as susan rice says, the u.s. ambassador, spontaneous uprising against our consulate as a result of the innocence of muslim youtube trailer. >> let's toss out what susan rice says, hillary says, jay
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carney initially says, why didn't the president, why didn't he simply call it terrorism? what's the fear on his behalf? we're left to speculate. >> i'm baffled, but there's an article in weekly standard, steven hayes, a fox news guy on special report a lot, points out since 2009, since the underwear bomber was found out on the plane in detroit on christmas day, 2009, umar farouk abdulmutallab, everyone time there's a terrorist assault on united states, or attempted assault on united states, the administration's first response has been to say it's a lone wolf, an individual acting by himself. eric holder said it twice, and we now have susan rice and hillary clinton and the president and jay carney saying it in relation to libya. it's some stock answer to start out by saying that we are not under threat from
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al-qaeda and from terrorism. now, the political answer would be, you would think that the president wants to claim that we have al-qaeda on the ropes and if al-qaeda is behind this world-- this wave of demonstrations and the killing of americans we don't have them on the ropes. i think politically if he'd come out and said al-qaeda is after us, i'm going to go after them, it would have been better for him than doing what he's done. >> many people feel it's about saying we improved our reputation in the muslim world and that clearly is not appearing that way. thank you for being here. coming up, this puppy was thrown from a moving car and survived. and joey's remarkable recovery. going green and too, pro veeth electric cars, is it a good investment? we report, you decide. ♪
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>> and welcome back, to quick headlines for you. long lines like this could be seen all over the world the release for the iphone 5. people camped in tents for hours on end to get their hands on one. the speed test and bench marked as the fastest phone in the world. this story, it may outrage a few. this couple collected welfare even though they lived in 1.2 million dollar water front home in seattle. david silverstein and lumilia will spend 18 months behind
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bars for fraud, alisyn. >> alisyn: for all of you dog lovers, a story you have to see this morning. back in august, three month old puppy was wrapped in a plastic bag and tossed out of a moving car, left to die. fortunately, he was found alive, but he was severely injured. with the help of our next guest, little joey has made a remarkable recovery and will soon be adopted by a loving family and joining us are chief roy gross of the suffolk espa and the town of islip. and find out about his back story, why would somebody do this to joey? >> could be a number reasons why, speculation, but appeared as he was used as a bait dog or used for dog fighting. and he wouldn't turn out. what that means is when they
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try to get, train the dog for fighting, they want the aggression and want to make the dog mean and very, very aggressive. and joey, as you can see, the temperature that he has, is not that kind of dog, he wouldn't turn out. most likely what may have occurred. and then he may have been used as a bait dog where they allow the other dogs, aggressive dogs to draw blood, sometimes use dogs or cats, just to get the taste of blood. >> and this was such a heinous crime in your mind. what was done to joey, you put your two best investigators on this case and a big reward. >> right now, a $27,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator or perpetrators responsible for this heinous acts of animal cruelty should shock the conscience of anyone, if you own a pet or not, to do such a depraved thing to an animal like that. >> alisyn: he's such a sweet,
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sweet dog and can see his temperature. a little nervous this morning, doctor. >> that's right. >> alisyn: he was in very tough condition when you disorder him the. what were his injuries? >> he had three cervical vertebrae in his neck that were fractured. one was obliterated and paralyzed in all four limbs, we weren't sure he'd walk again. >> where do you even begin to help fix him? >> we began treating his life threatening shock and had to get that over, get him over hump before we addressed his cervical injuries and got him through that stage and then a slow process of supporting him and he's had a cast on his neck to keep him immobile and finally starting to be able to live like a dog again. >> alisyn: and oh, my gosh. you're the supervisor of the town of islip. how have they responded? >> and responses at the animal
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shelter, a big day he'll be adopted by a family and having an adopt-a-thon. our animal control officers are always working with calls, working with the suffolk coun county, and we're able to respond and make sure they have a good home. >> alisyn: that's wonderful, he's close to finding a good home. >> a couple weeks away from being adopted. >> alisyn: so sweet. to donate to the sbc a, operates districtly on donation, go to spca, or to joey's care, visit fox and and we have this information for you. this is going to have a happy ending. >> yes, makes us come back. 28 years the spbc has been in existence and i've been involved from the beginning.
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we investigate cases animal cruelty, some do not end in a happy ending. this is one of the cases that will end with a happy ending and gives us the drive to come back and contribute. the only job that we do. the suffolk spca is protecting animals and that's our job and we appreciate any support that we have from your generous-- >> we have lots of generous viewers and i'm sure you'll get lots of-- oh, i see that joey has taken a nap. he's relaxed, which is a great ending as well. so, chief groves, dr. linda louden and joey, thank you for coming in. >> thank you. >> alisyn: and criminals let out of jail and back on the streets and why one state is giving them a free pass. plus another summer is here and gone. it's not too late to get out in your garden. why fall may be the perfect time for planting. home depot is here with the perfect guys next. ♪ thank you for being a friend
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♪ >> welcome back.
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everybody. you can really follow us all on twitter if you can find us. >> dave: we're giving alisyn twitter 101 during the break. >> clayton: and opening three accounts by accident. she'll get to the bottom of it. >> alisyn: we'll talk about it in the after the show show. and the top of the headlines, the obama administration read to remove a group from the terrorism list. and hillary clinton told nek. no proof of recent terrorist activity from the group and provided intelligence on iran. if made official the move could let them lobby congress, possibly move here. the group says it's not violent even though previously backing saddam hussein. forget deportation, california is considering a law that would allow those in prison to
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go free after their sentences are complete. the trust act is angering some including this man, his son was murdered in 2008 by an illegal immigrant released from prison hours earlier. >> our kids need to be safe and we need to be able to walk down the street without being shot dead by someone that's illegally in the country. our last resort of safety is the jails and it if ne let them out of jail without deporting them, that exact same thing happened to my son. >> alisyn: well, the trust act would only apply to immigrants without a serious or violent felony. governor jerry brown has not decided or said publicly whether he will sign the bill if it comes it him. hundreds of inmates in michigan may soon be set free, also, this time because of overcrowding. the genesee county jail in flint, michigan, 580 people
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and has more than 700. and they need to be released to meet standards and the sheriff's office is trying to transfer them to other jails. police say that those serving 85% of their sentence and violent criminals will stay in jail. and could wear an electronic monitoring device. dave, tell us about golf stf. >> and scissor kicking a ball off the net. he was born in one leg from concorde mass and he plays on crutches because the prosthetic ways him down and as impressive as the goal is him up and down the field, back and forth on the crutches, what an inspiration that young man is, right? >> awesome. those are your headlines and go to rick. >> i could watch that picture
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over and over and over again. it makes you happy, so great. you're going to be happy if you like fall, because the temps are cooling down across the northern plains, and feel like winter. they've had snow this morning, this is today's highs where you see this. 56 in minneapolis and 11 degrees below where you should this this time of year. tomorrow, that cold air moves to the east, charleston, pittsburgh, buffalo not getting to 06 tomorrow. so, cold air on the way, take a look at your forecast for the day today. across the northeast, a few thunderstorms move through. and that's what's going to bring the cooler temperatures in eventually behind that, but to start the day you're looking pretty good, plenty of sunshine and temps not that bad. down to the southeast, rain showers in florida, south florida mostly and aside from that looking nice, a lot of sunshine and temps warm. and certainly still like summer across much of the area. in the northern plains where the cold air is, we'll see temps into the 50's across lots of the far northern plains and across the west, no
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fall in sight. it's just hot and temps into the triple digits again across the deserts. all right, clayton, what's going on over there. >> thanks, rick. it's fall as rick has been telling us all morning long. what way better way to get to your garden and prepare it. stuff grows well during the fall i've learned, dave white is here and you can recover from the august heatwave and do great stuff. a lot of people say it's getting cooler and time to go inside because i can't do anything inside. fall is a treat. i'm sorry, i had to use that. and this is the best time to plant trees and shrub and great fall calling, mum's the word when it comes to fall. >> clayton: two, already. i would think putting the stuff in the fall, the frost, will it kill the stuff? no, gets you it into early winter. let's talk through the trees, when you're talking about trees and shrub, the reason
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they do well in the fall as you mentioned they're fot getting stressed by heat. so you think about it. they've got to establish a root system and got to get going. >> i feel like you and i are on a date and a stroll down the flowers-- >> tell me about these. >> yeah, so, here's a couple of tips when it comes to the trees and shrubs, you need to know a couple things about them. most everything is on the tag, which is great. so if you don't know. you want to first know, how tall they're going to get. >> right. >> right, how wide they're going to get. >> are they going to cover up a window if you're planting outside of a window. you need to plan properly and know what the temperature is. here is a purple leave plumb and i knew that because the leaves are purple. if you look the at the tag, it's hardy up to minus 20 fahrenheit and you know the temperature range that you plant this in or grow and thrive in. 20 feet tall by 20 feet wide and easy to walk through and look at the tags. >> what about watering? a problem that people make and
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plants earlier in the spring and some die quickly because we weren't home and didn't get a chance to water them right away. >> especially with trees and shrubs, people think because it's a tree and it's not a plant. you don't have to water it. but trees need matter, especially early on, check the soil around there and tell if it's dried out.'re planning, it important to know that you need to dig the whole about twice as big as the root ball of the tree. twice as tall, twice as wide. >> and we did some feeding of the lawn for grass in the fall and grew fast, because the bulbs for the other plans. >> owe, bulbs are great and this time of year is perfect to plant bulbs in. what's going to happen in most cases, you're probably going to forget and in the spring when those things come up. you've got the beautiful color in the spring and now is the time to plant them. again, look at the labels and see what you're going to end up with. and mix-up the colors, mix-up the varieties and make sure
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that you plant them the right depth, again, if you look at the label, it's going to tell you all that you need to know about how deep to plant them and exactly how to dig the hole. basically you're going to plant them two to four times deeper than the bulb is high. >> yeah. >> actually, this is a nice compact on top of any of the stuff you're planting. >> exactly, so, again, it's a great, great time to do some planting and heck, less stressful for us to plant in the fall, right, because it's nice and cool. >> clayton: dave white, home depot, and check out at home and other videos as well. >> alisyn i mentioned the garden club, have you done that yet? >> not yet. i've been busy receseeding my lawn as you told me las week. >> the closest she is is wearing green. going green, speaking of and losing it, too, the government
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7.5 billion bucks into promoting green cars. is that a good investment? lori rothman from the fox business network coming up. >> first, a look from neil cavuto, the cost of freedom business block. >> and over 40% say no, cut taxes and he's getting that number down the best way to get our 16 trillion dollar debt down. the markets are on a tear, but some of america's biggest companies are not. which one is showing where our economy is really headed? and why are we still burning cash on these guys when they're burning our flag? the cost of freedom at the top of the hour. hor get the yard ready for cool energy bill weather?size? the answer?
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>> this is your binoculars? . i recognize them. >> clayton: spy. >> alisyn: and the government wants you to go green, at what cost. a federal plan to send 7.5 billion dollars on promoting electric vehicles through 2019. >> clayton: that was my cash register, too, and 25% of that figure coming from tax credits they plan to give people as incentive to buy them. is this a good thing for investments or for the taxpayer? >> lori rothman with the fox business network here this morning to help us. and good to see you. >> good to be here. >> dave: to promote. >> the the cbo came out with a report saying the u.s. government is going to spend 7 1/2 billion dollars to promote the electric cars. to your point, 25% is going to tax incentives to the automakers, not the to consumers per se, but automakers themselves and the important thing here to keep
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in mind, that 25% does not fill the gap. take the chevy volt, for example, it costs gm twice as much to make that car than it can sell it for. and also keep in mind-- >> and because production costs or-- >> over the top. >> dave: and in the long-term the number comes down. >> that's the goal. so far hasn't happened. >> dave: the other thing to keep in mind. >> as taxpayers we own about 26, 26 1/2% of gm. and if we were to sell, if the government, rather, were to sell its percentage of gm today. i believe that gm closed at about $25 a share yesterday. we'd see a loss, as taxpayers, of anywhere between 15 and 20 billion dollars. >> clayton: one of the big criticisms has been the lack of innovation in the space and should have had-- electric cars existed before motorized cars, before gasoline cars, why did it take so long to get this type of engineering, research and development done. >> right. >> clayton: you say instead of doing the tax money, should be doing the research and development money. >> and we should zero in, firm
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up a plan for our energy use, right? so these batteries are big, clunky complicated for me to figure out and i believe the chevy volt 30 to 35 miles per gallon and charge it up again and it's complicated and i think that the technology should for the cars themselves should be notched up before the government gets involved and also on the political side there's this nationwide debate on whether energy-- >> i was curious to he see the sales for electric cars and we have some numbers for you, in 2012, the twitter prius, 6, 061. chevy volt. 13,000. nissan leaf. 4200 i thought the prius was doing better. >> and this is through august. still time. the statistics or sales numbers are still low for all car sales and the other thing to keep in mind which i thought was jaw-dropping from the cbo report, it will actually by pushing, by promoting the electric cars
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lead to additional gas consumption and greenhouse gas emission because these automakers have a government requirement for the number of electric cars they have to sell. once they sell that requisite number they're freed up to sell the regular old gas guzzlers, so the thing is that's why we'll see additional gas consumption. >> alisyn: and that's the prius plug-in, i should clarify. >> good info. >> she's the darling of nashville, taking the country music world by storm, sarah darling is here, she'll sing her latest single for us next. ♪ ♪ take these broken wings and learn to fly ♪ ♪ all your life ♪ we were only waiting for this moment to arrive ♪ . like oven-roasted chicken in a creamy alfredo sauce.
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marie callender's new comfort bakes. it's time to savor. it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way, right? lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one.
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>> her sweet voice and lyrics have already made her the darling of nashville and that's also her name. country music singer sarah darling is here with a current release from her album. >> thank you for. >> alisyn: and the name for show business. >> darling is really my name and great for country music couldn't have asked for a better last name. >> clayton: you've been touring with the album and who you're working with. >> i'm fortunate to work with dan huff with the project and a brand new single called "home to me." it's out on itunes as we speak and i've been out promoting the song to the radio stations. >> dave: reality tv helped to kick start your career, tell bus that. >> it did, when i first moved to nashville, one of the first
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opportunities i had was would work with mr. wayne newton and we got to las vegas and filmed the reality show, trying to get like a multi-million dollar contract to sing at the las vegas hilton, i didn't win, but-- hey, hey, i'm in nashville writing songs and he always said, you know, you need to be an artist, and focus on that so i thought that was neat advice that he gave me. >> dave: you're on "fox & friends" weekend which is the pinnacle of entertainment. >> exactly. >> alisyn: you're going to sing your beautiful song "home to me", let's listen. >> excellent. ♪ on a cool summer day, and hits me like a breezy all the way ♪ ♪ you can see the blue
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horizon, with no place for t the... what you say ♪ ♪ what you say ♪ indiana, louisiana, take me down to alabama show me some of that ♪ ♪ feels like home note take me, gave everything i had ♪ ♪ met you and i was sure the
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center of the universe ♪ ♪ never looking back, looking back, oh, no ♪ ♪ in indiana, louisiana, take me down to alabama, show me some of that laid back ♪ ♪ kissing in the moonlight ♪ sunrise in california, arizona, and anywhere, anyplace i'd go ♪ ♪ feels hike home, yeah ♪ feels hike a home ♪ feels like home ♪ oh, yeah, yeah
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♪ to the heart of indiana, by louisiana, take me down to alabama, show me some of that laid back vibe ♪ ♪ kissing in the moonlight ♪ sunshine california, like in arizona, all night. everywhere anyplace i'd go ♪ ♪ feels like home ♪ yeah, yeah, feels like home to me ♪ ♪ feels like home ♪ feels like home to me . [applause]. ♪ ♪ feels like home to me then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] safe driving bonus check?
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what is that? so weird, right? my agent, tom, said... [ voice of dennis ] ...only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months you're accident-free... ...but i'm a woman. maybe it's a misprint. does it look like a misprint? ok. what i was trying... [ voice of dennis ] silence. ♪ ask an allstate agent about the safe driving bonus check. are you in good hands? if we took the nissan altima and reimagined nearly everything in it? gave it greater horsepower and best in class 38 mpg highway... ...advanced headlights... yeah, that would be cool. ♪ introducing the completely reimagined nissan altima. it's our most innovative altima ever. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪
6:58 am
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